Bearcloud – Visionary Artist

BearcloudBearcloud is a Native American shaman and elder of the Ni-U-Kon-ska and Lakota traditions. He practices sacred ceremony in an ancient tribal manner. Bearcloud is also a Vision Seeker and extraordinary artist in oils. His paintings reflect the shamanic practices of Native American traditions.

Bearcloud does not like to call himself a shaman, as this is not the way elders see themselves. In terms of how the white culture sees a medicine man however, Bearcloud is indeed a shaman, practicing the sacred pipe ceremony and the rituals of the sweat lodge. Bearcloud makes his sacred ceremonies available to all who come for the right reasons. As a shaman, he leads people through the healing cleanse of the sweat lodge and guides them with sacred songs and prayers. The ceremonial pipe is passed during the appropriate phase of the sweat lodge ritual, and each participant offers up prayers or intentions with the ritual pipe.

Bearcloud is a true medicine man of the ancient Native American traditions. He has been taught by elders since his youth and he follows, in a sacred manner, the teachings of the ancient ways.

As a shaman, Bearcloud is also a visionary. He is a Vision Keeper for the ways of a New Earth. The Chameleon Project is a product of seven years of visions Bearcloud has received. He has painted many of these visions on huge canvasses. Others he has rendered in computer graphics, showing in a shamanic manner, the sacred geometry of the symbols that guide us into awakening.

Renderings of Bearcloud’s paintings of the Chameleon Pyramids vision are available on this website in articles Bearcloud has written, called The Chameleon Project Beginnings, and The Chameleon Pyramids. Bearcloud also sells at his Edge of Town Gallery in Sedona, Arizona, giclees of all his Chameleon Project Paintings.

As a Vision Seeker and Vision Keeper, Bearcloud is a tribal elder in a new manner. Still in his late fifties, Bearcloud cannot really claim old age as his ticket to elderhood. Indeed, Bearcloud does not himself personally declare himself to be an elder, yet he functions as an elder for many people who are seeking to discover the ancient tribal ways. In his ways however, he has reached the numbers that declare him an elder. He walks his life and does his work in a sacred manner. Because he is deeply attuned to the Great Spirit and Mother Earth, Bearcloud is a native elder who can be trusted and listened to.

Fredda Psaltis – Visionary Artist

Fredda Psaltis’ journey as an artist started in her hometown of NYC, attending Art Students League and NYU as a teenager. She later received her degree from Carnegie Mellon University in fine arts and Osaka University in Japan for traditional Japanesehealingstar3 design. While studying jewelry design at CMU, she became part of the original team (William Benton and Joe Quigley) that came up with the original Mood Ring. Now propelled into the world of jewelry design, her life manifested “The Healingstar of Peace” – a metaphysical, energetic amulet based on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and sacred geometry.

The beginnings of her spiritual and metaphysical journey were seeded early in life by her mother. She studied with the likes of Maslow and Huxley, discussing topics like the Essenes and Edgar Cayce with her as a child. Later in life she studied the Kabbala and Torah in the mystical city of Safed in Northern Israel. Living in the ancient Kabbalist/artist town was a journey through the matrix…there was no turning back now for her. That path led to Peru to study with the Shaman, high in the sacred mountains. This is where she was led to paint her visions from other worlds. From Peru her path led to the magical Eco community carved into the mountains in northern Italy called Damanhur. This was her first experience with a mystery school and intentional community.

Fredda Psaltis Pic 3-2Fredda now resides in the truly magical land of Sedona, Arizona. The breathtaking beauty of the Red Rocks and potent energy vortexes make this the perfect residence for a visionary painter. She is presently illustrating/painting a book for author Deborah Weed about the metaphysical journey of a snowflake.

Psaltis states, “My path has been rich with mystical experiences along the way. Synchronicity abounds, doors magically open, incredible people appear to guide me, and this is why I’m so inspired and honored to share some of those sources and people with you through this wonderful site.

Much love and blessings to you on your journey…” ~ Fredda

Rahelio – Shaman, Astrologer

Rahelio LargeI have been here in Sedona the past 26 years arriving on the summer solstice of 1987.  It was a very exciting time to be in Sedona especially because of the Harmonic Convergence prophecy from the Toltec lord Quetzalcoatl for August of that year. By 1988, I began working as a vortex tour guide and eventually started my own company in 1990 as Sedona Nature Excursions with my specialty Mystic Tours.   I offer private shamanic healing sessions and astrological consultations.

During the 1990’s I worked with many people very eager to experience the energy of the Sedona red rock country and its famous vortex energies.  And this gave me the opportunity to develop my own unique way of teaching and sharing shamanic wisdom and healing methods while out in the beauty of the sacred landscape of Sedona.

My approach has combined wisdom teachings from both eastern yogic traditions, Christian mysticism and Native American shamanism.  I was especially drawn to the teachings of Toltec wisdom that has come out of Mexico, and to the practice of Kriya yoga.  Since I was already very deep into the practice of western astrology, I was able to merge this perspective into the teachings of the Medicine Wheel as taught to me by Sun Bear.

Artist and the Shaman Trailer

My Native Indian ancestry is via Mexico (although I was born in the Midwest of the United States where I grew up) and I recognize myself as an American born Toltec. My awakening to the shamanic path was preceded by a number of  mystical experiences I had beginning in my teenage years that jolted my reality.  And these types of experiences continued throughout my life where I had some profound encounters with Spirit Powers and intelligences from alternate realities.  At the age of 21, is when I was telepathically contacted by my ascended Master teacher and began my conscious journey onto the spiritual path.

Back in the late 70’s when I attended the College of Marin in northern California, I was involved as head of a Native American student organization that worked for public awareness to the issues of Native American political rights and land disputes, etc.  At that time this opened my eyes to the struggles of indigenous peoples throughout the Americas and the world.

Later while living on Maui, Hawaii, I pursued spiritual and metaphysical studies, and had experiences that facilitated my becoming a professional astrologer and mystic.  During that time I had a close encounter with a UFO that opened me to the presence and message of the Star people.  The Star people that contacted me are extraterrestrial /galactic human beings and are here to assist in this time of  changes we are going through even if they remain hidden to the public.

Since I was working as a spiritual guide, astrologer and healer, I was invited to be ordained as a minister into the Order of Melchizedek on Bell Rock in 1988 by the Reverend Dan Chesbro.  And since 2012 I am a legal member and medicine person of the Oklevueha Native American Church, as well as, the head of my own Native American church, ‘Toltec Sun Ministries’.  I conduct Native American style weddings, Sweat Lodges and blessing ceremonies, as well as share shamanic teachings and energetic practices including Medicine Wheel empowerments with sacred drum, flute, songs and chants.

My private shamanic healing sessions are designed to clear anxiety, stress, phobias, emotional and mental creative blocks, bringing healing and balance back into mind and body. Astrological consultations allow understanding of soul patterns as mapped in birth charts and insights into manifesting creative purpose in life via career, relationships and spiritual dynamics. I apply the use of various predictive methods and specialize in relocation astrology as seen in astrocartography and local space mapping.  Energetic movement and healing practices include tantric Kriya Yoga with Cobra breath and other special breathing modalities.

April 2014 Astrology – Cathryn Hunter

By Cathryn Hunter

JKP_1281smThrough astrology we take a deeper look. It informs our path, offering the keys to unlocking the mystery of who we are, as well as what we are experiencing at this moment.  The Natal chart is struck at the moment of birth, and represents the planetary connections at that precise time; the links between the universe and the individual.  It reveals our personal experience, our life themes, where we struggle and where we are gifted. Although our Natal chart is struck, the planets continue to move in their planetary paths, and in doing so form relationships to our natal chart; as time goes by, these transits energize certain areas and themes in our life experience. Astrology is a symbolic language, and my gift is to translate and decode those symbols into meaningful information.

In the first half of 2014 we are experiencing an ongoing string of retrogrades which began with Venus, then Mercury, Mars, and Mercury again. During this time frame there are few breaks in the retrograde patterns. More than a time of initiation and action, this is a time of reevaluation, taking another look, turning another eye, considering divergent opinions.

April promises to be an intense month, with a Lunar Eclipse, and a Grand Cross that engages the ongoing square of Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries, which began in 2012 and continues for another year and a half. In April, Mars in Libra and Jupiter in Cancer are added to the mix, escalating the Square to a Grand Cross.  Pluto and Uranus in hard aspect can be explosive and tense. Pluto in Capricorn represents the status quo and favors steady progress and transformation, Uranus is more interested in change, no matter what the cost. In the square we feel the tension and intensity represented by the conflicting perspectives of the planets.

The lesson of this time is flexibility; tension and stress are related to digging in our heels, holding fast to what is not working, and resisting change.  In April the cardinal signs, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries at 13 degrees, are most affected.  If you have planets in those signs and degrees in your natal chart expect issues to surface.  Change is up, one cannot move back into regressive containers, no matter how safe they feel. Although these cardinal signs at 13 degrees feel it most intensely, this theme is relevant for all.  If you have no planets at those specific signs and degrees the energy is operating somewhere in your chart or life experience. By looking at your personal chart you can see where this energy is directed and felt. Although stressful, these cycles come to facilitate needed change, and for most, change is not easy. Use Uranus to open to change, Mars for courage to strike a new path, Pluto to open to transformation, and Jupiter to embrace expansion.

Learn more about Cathryn Hunter

Contact Info
Cathryn Hunter
[email protected]
Los Angeles, CA, USA

Philosophical Research Society

The Philosophical Research Society is a nonprofit organization founded in 1934 for the purpose of providing resources for the study and research of the world’s wisdom literature. Rejecting doctrinal, political, or ecclesiastical investments, it provides a learning environment sheltered from any intention to coerce or convert. The goal of this institution is to enable the individual to develop a mature world view and philosophy of life in association with a diverse and stimulating community of inquiry, dedicated to understanding and appreciating their unique possibilities in the unfolding universal pattern.

Philisophical Research Society

One Word: Philosophy
At PRS, we start with a single word: Philosophy.

This one word comes from the ancient Greeks for whom phileo meant “love” and sophia meant “wisdom.”

As elementary and apparent as it may seem, this one word, this “love of wisdom,” raises two profound questions: what is love, and what is wisdom? With such inquiry, we are instantly confronted with the challenge of two great mysteries. The Greeks may have often spoken in diverse ways about the meaning of philosophy: greedy for wisdom, lusting after wisdom, pursuing wisdom as the way of personal glory… Yet much more did they insist in the loving of wisdom. In so doing, the term “love” meant giving one’s affectionate attention and unselfconscious care in the pursuit of wisdom.

Wisdom is insight into the nature of things, a fundamental acquaintance with Reality. All of the great insights of humankind left for us to study, which history has managed to preserve, are the priceless inheritance of every person. It is the clear goal of Philosophical Research Society and the University of Philosophical Research to provide global “lovers of wisdom” access to that treasure which is their birthright.

Thus this one word reveals our purpose and shapes our method. From this understanding we carefully draw our principles. They guide the administration of our organization:

● Inclusiveness — We look to include wisdom from its every source and to make it accessible to all who value it

● Non-Advocacy — We are not partisan nor do we endorse any one particular tradition or person.

● Freedom — We consider the quiet urgings of each heart to be the proper personal guide in the process of self-discovery. Each person is urged freely to compare and reference their natural knowing with the finest expressions of humanity’s deepest insights. We expect this process to create resonance which best leads each person on his or her unique path of learning and discovery.

● Quality Resources — To the greatest extent possible, we strive to have all of our resources distinguished by carefully referenced scholarship supported by direct experience and field work. We seek to continually refine and update our offerings as discoveries come to light and errors are uncovered.

● Community — Stimulating and good spirited interaction reflect the fact that we are a community of discovery, not just isolated individuals. Ours is the path of ecumenism and a journey of shared meanings. We are part of a movement toward World Culture in which all wisdom traditions and the highest expressions of our spiritual heritage are honored. We yearn for a planetary citizenship in which social justice and compassion aim toward a transformation of humankind.

● Education – PRS is dedicated to being a place for learning and for “drawing out” (as in the original sense of “educate”) the wisdom that lies within all traditions and all human beings.

Our Founder

2 Manly P. Hall (Manly)Manly P. Hall, the Philosophical Research Society’s first president, was a seeker and lover of wisdom, the very definition of a philosopher. He had the courage and the raw intellectual energy to look for wisdom in places most men had long since forgotten about, or never knew existed. He lived in an era when most Americans did not look toward other cultures and traditions, without looking down. Yet during such times, Manly P. Hall spoke, and wrote extensively, of the wisdom found in all ancient traditions. In an age when serious study of “other religions” was anathema to most, he found deep cross­cultural threads and revealed many interconnected roots of modern religious expression. Neither Guru nor Saint, he made no claim of perfection, far from it; but his work is exceedingly rare in its grand scope, detail and synthesis. He embraced the wisdom of every tradition, and, with a fluid command of their obscure and complex contents, worked to express their unifying truths. His legacy is over 200 printed volumes, 8000 lectures, a hand picked library which is one of the finest in the field, and a Society and University that continue in his spirit of universal exploration and learning.

Our President

3 Manly P Hall (O.Harris on Bench)The President of PRS is Obadiah S. Harris. He combines his skills as a community educator and administrator with study of the world’s wisdom traditions to continue the legacy and pursuits of the PRS into the present day. Dr. Harris received his Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University of Michigan as a Stewart Mott Foundation Fellow. His background includes long service as Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Community Education at New Mexico State University, and as Associate Professor and Director of the Regional Center for Community Education at Arizona State University. Dr. Harris’s study and practice of the great Eastern and Western Wisdom Traditions has helped shape and direct his life.

See more at:

Char Margolis – Intuitive Medium, Psychic


Char Margolis’s mantra in life is to make a difference in the lives she touches and the people she encounters. CHAR utilizes her abilities as a psychic medium connecting people with their loved ones in the Spirit World tirelessly, and has done so for the last four decades. Char Margolis has one mission, and that is to help alleviate fear in her client’s lives. She turns the fear of death into reunions on a daily basis, and empowers everyone to utilize their intuition to make healthier and empowered decisions and choices. This simple task for Char helps inspire many with choices they face day to day. She wrote best selling books, (translated into many languages) to go along with her teachings, QUESTIONS FROM EARTH, ANSWERS FROM HEAVEN, DISCOVER YOUR INNER WISDOM, LIFE, and the recent bestseller LOVE KARMA.

At a time when doing psychic work was left for backroom fortunetellers, CHAR blazed a trail on mainstream Television to legitimize the subject in a public forum. From print, radio to Television, one state at a time she appeared on morning show after morning show until her accuracy caught the eyes of Regis Philbin who became a TV supporter. As documented by the Martin Family, In 1987, Char assisted Dean Martin and his family when their son Dean Paul Martin disappeared during an Air Force training flight. The Air Force searched for five days and found nothing. Within two hours of Char sharing her intuitive insights, the lost plane was found. Shortly after, the National shows came calling. Since then, her work has been showcased on shows of prominence like Larry King, Ricki Lake, Sally Jesse Raphael, Maury, Leeza, The Talk, and THE VIEW and more. Known for countless appearances, many stand out prominently like announcing Kelly Ripa was pregnant on live television; shocked and prompting her to reveal that it was true and stating, “my bosses don’t even know yet!” That appearance was voted as the #1 Viewer’s Favorite Segment in the 20 years of the show! When Regis retired from the show, Char was an invited surprise guest for Regis and Kelly’s 10th Anniversary Special. Kelly revealed she believed this moment with Char was the reason she was hired! Check out the video on Today, Char is sought after and respected as one of “the” authorities in her field. She is a favorite guest on Dr. Phil, The Doctors, Dr. Oz, Extra, The Talk, The Today Show, Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood and lectures across the US, South Africa, The Caribbean, Canada and The Netherlands where she hosted her own Prime Time TV show for over a decade.

DISCLAIMER: Disclaimer Psychic Medium Char Margolis and Char Communications, Inc is not a direct endorsement of other contributors on The Life Site.

Is There An Afterlife?

Most scientists would probably say that the concept of an afterlife is either nonsense, or at the very least unprovable. Yet one expert claims he has evidence to confirm an existence beyond the grave – and it lies in quantum physics.Professor Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism teaches that death as we know it is an illusion created by our consciousness.

Professor Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism teaches death as we know it is an illusion. He believes our consciousness creates the universe, and not the other way round, and once we accept that space and time are ‘tools of our minds’, death can’t exist in ‘any real sense’ either ‘We think life is just the activity of carbon and an admixture of molecules – we live a while and then rot into the ground,’ said the scientist on his website.

Lanza, from Wake Forest University School of Medicine in North Carolina, continued that as humans we believe in death because ‘we’ve been taught we die’, or more specifically, our consciousness associates life with bodies and we know that bodies die. His theory of biocentrism, however, explains that death may not be as terminal as we think it is.

Biocentrism is classed as the theory of everything and comes from the Greek for ‘life centre’. It is the believe that life and biology are central to reality and that life creates the universe, not the other way round. This suggests a person’s consciousness determines the shape and size of objects in the universe.

Lanza uses the example of the way we perceive the world around us. A person sees a blue sky, and is told that the colour they are seeing is blue, but the cells in a person’s brain could be changed to make the sky look green or red.


Biocentrism is classed as the Theory of Everything and comes from the Greek for ‘life centre’. It is the belief that life and biology are central to reality and that life creates the universe, not the other way round.

Lanza uses the example of the way we perceive the world around us. A person sees a blue sky, and is told that the colour they are seeing is blue, but the cells in a person’s brain could be changed to make the sky look green or red. Our consciousness makes sense of the world, and can be altered to change this interpretation. By looking at the universe from a biocentric’s point of view, this also means space and time don’t behave in the hard and fast ways our consciousness tell us it does. In summary, space and time are ‘simply tools of our mind. Once this theory about space and time being mental constructs is accepted, it means death and the idea of immortality exist in a world without spatial or linear boundaries.

Theoretical physicists believe that there is infinite number of universes with different variations of people, and situations taking place, simultaneously. Lanza added that everything which can possibly happen is occurring at some point across these multiverses and this means death can’t exist in ‘any real sense’ either. Lanza, instead, said that when we die our life becomes a ‘perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse.’ ‘Bottom line: What you see could not be present without your consciousness,’ explained Lanza. ‘Our consciousness makes sense of the world.’

By looking at the universe from a biocentric’s point of view, this also means space and time don’t behave in the hard and fast ways our consciousness tell us it does. In summary, space and time are ‘simply tools of our mind.’ Once this theory about space and time being mental constructs is accepted, it means death and the idea of immortality exist in a world without spatial or linear boundaries. Similarly, theoretical physicists believe there is infinite number of universes with different variations of people, and situations, taking place simultaneously.


In the experiment, when scientists watch a particle pass through two slits in a barrier, the particle behaves like a bullet and goes through one slit or the other. Yet if a person doesn’t watch the particle, it acts like a wave. This means it can go through both slits at the same time. This demonstrates that matter and energy can display characteristics of both waves and particles, and that the behaviour of the particle changes based on a person’s perception and consciousness. Lanza added that everything which can possibly happen is occurring at some point across these multiverses and this means death can’t exist in ‘any real sense’ either. Lanza, instead, said that when we die our life becomes a ‘perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse.’ He continued: ‘Life is an adventure that transcends our ordinary linear way of thinking. When we die, we do so not in the random billiard-ball-matrix but in the inescapable-life- matrix.’

Lanza cited the famous double-slit experiment to backup his claims. In the experiment, when scientists watch a particle pass through two slits in a barrier, the particle behaves like a bullet and goes through one slit or the other. Yet if a person doesn’t watch the particle, it acts like a wave, This means it can go through both slits at the same time. This demonstrates that matter and energy can display characteristics of both waves and particles, and that behaviour of the particle changes based on a person’s perception and consciousness.

Lanza’s full theory is explained in his book Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe.

Read more:
• Robert Lanza » Biocentrism / Robert Lanza¿s Theory of Everything
Read more: claims-scientist.html#ixzz2kr3gCxdl
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