Johnny Kest – Yoga Teacher – Hatha

Jonny KestJonny Kest, one of the world’s foremost practitioners, came to yoga at an early age. When he was 12, his father suffered from debilitating back problems. After undergoing four unsuccessful back surgeries he was forced to go on disability. As fate would have it, a friend of his suggested he try yoga. The results were so dramatic he introduced his whole family to the practice, even going so far as to take them to India. Taking three months off from his junior year of high school, Jonny studied yoga and meditation with his father’s teacher’s teacher, the venerable Pattabhi Jois.

When he returned, his gym coach suggested he share his experience with the class. And so it was that Jonny began teaching yoga once a week to his fellow classmates and hasn’t stopped teaching since. Today, many of his students are international yoga teachers throughout the world. Life Time is privileged to give him the opportunity to introduce his unique style of yoga to millions of members around the country.

Tias Little – Yoga Teacher – Hatha

Tias LittleTias is committed to teaching yoga as a contemplative path, leading to greater sensitivity, tolerance and deep understanding (prajna). Tias unique and skillful approach enables students to find greater depth of understanding and awareness in their practice, both on and off the mat. His approach to the practice is inter-disciplinary, passionate, intelligent, innovative and full of insight. Tias synthesizes years of study in classical yoga, Sanskrit, Buddhist studies, anatomy, massage, and trauma healing.


Annie Carpenter – Yoga Teacher – Hatha

Annie CarpenterKnown as a “teachers’ teacher,” Annie believes that Yoga practice (Hatha) is a remarkable method for learning to steady the attention on what is actually happening in the moment. From this place, compassion and radical acceptance naturally evolve. Old mindsets of the illusion of separation, of me and them, and self and other, dissolve into the knowledge of wholeness.
“Although our culture tends to shrink yoga to mean only the physical, asana element I believe that yoga truly is a shamanic path, capable of leading us through transformation on all levels. Yoga reminds us what is real, and thus who we are — the light radiating from within.”


Kathryn Budig – Yoga Teacher

kathryn budigKathryn Budig’s appetite for yoga is infectious. She trained and taught in Los Angeles for 8 years under the guidance of Maty Ezraty and now travels the world. Kathryn’s playful mixture of challenging classes with her lovable personality is the recipe for a truly inspiring class. As an avid food lover, she is also passionate about sharing healthy, organic and eco-friendly recipes.