By: Nicki Monti Fight or Flight. In November of 2008, a magnetic forty-six year old black man named Barack Obama was elected President of these United States. Preceding that event, in September another forty-six year old man – a brilliant author named David Foster Wallace (author of “Infinite Jest” among others), hanged himself. Two men, arriving at the same chronological juncture, taking different roads. It’s a wake up call. Turns out, life is full of these wake ups. They come in whispers, like when your mother asks you to realize she’s not got that many holiday’s left (true or not, she’s calling attention to her fear), and they come in shouts, like when you find out with a rush something you’ve accomplished has hugely impacted others. Constantly we are tasked to discover our place in the world. Often, this raises levels of anxiety while requiring a renegotiation of usual ways and means. coque iphone 7 Life begins to be lived on a razor’s edge. coque iphone 6 It can be fun. It can be frightening. It’s easy to turn our backs on it all. After all, there’s thrilling daily distraction…trivia that makes sure we avoid the more profound picture. But like it or not, the tried and true universal questions pursue us. Everyday, in every way life asks: Will you step up the Obama way, or step out the Wallace way? Expansion or collapse — that is the question? Can you give what you are most certain you can not possibly offer? Will you dig down into the shielded Heart place you seldom visit to find resolve and generosity? How can you proffer Love where most often you proclaim Disdain? Don’t mistake me. I’m in no way saying Wallace made a “wrong” choice. Not living inside him how would I know? Still, everyday watching people struggle with issues of personal meaning I recognize one predominant over-riding defeating thrust: Fallen into carelessness we imagine being able to craft outcome. This is a mistake. Focus needs to be on this moment, for we can never know how it’s to turn out. coque iphone 6 Our business is today not tomorrow. Take care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself. So, who are you when your back is turned? What sustains you in the challenging dark can’t-do-it hours? How can you manifest your best Self? If we don’t know who and how we are – really know – we are doomed to continue as we have, imagining some outside something is going to fix whatever feels broken in our lives. This leaves us skating on thin ice. coque iphone The answer: Stop thinking about what others have done or are doing to you, and focus on how you are being in the world. Because in the final analysis the inch by inch choices we make, the feelings and thoughts we follow, determines our course. coque iphone 2019 We don’t know yet how history will report President Obama. We do know we shall never read a new Wallace novel. Gains and losses. Losses and gains. Such are all our lives, little and great. Meanwhile your actions and thoughts actually count. Maybe not so obviously in this instant – maybe not until you’re forty-six or even older – but count they do. Practicing the Art of Life is the point. Which road in the yellow woods you take, as the man says, does make all the difference. Summary: Our lives are filled with choices. Most of those choices are actually of little importance. Often however we jam our time and consciousness with worry over those tiny choice moments when what needs instead to happen is focus on the true and sustaining meaning of life itself and our place and purpose in it.
What’s Love Got To Do With It?
By: Dr. Nicki Monti
An Excerpt from: Our Love Matters: Find it, Fix it, or Let it Go! (P. 347) “It’s complicated—this finding love business, and really not complicated at all. Mostly, the difficulty comes from our refusal to look history in the eye, to embrace authentic, vulnerable behavior, and to remember faith. When I was a little girl, I thought love meant getting attention. When I grew into shape, I thought love meant being desired. When I grew into a relationship, I thought love meant being needed. When I became a teacher, I thought love meant being helpful. When I become silent, I think love is Divine inspiration. coque iphone xr I don’t know. Not really. For a thoughtful person, lack of definition promises both freedom and fear. coque iphone pas cher We want containers for our liquid offerings. We require parameters to frame our dialogues and delineate our territories. But more important than any definition is to recognize the ways we have lost track of ourselves: how we’ve turned away from the Heart of the matter; how we’ve fallen prey to our baser fears, foibles, and follies. In this, then, we’ve lost touch with our Divinity.”
I’ve been studying love all my life. Or more precisely – I’ve been mostly circling the drain on love lack, both perceived and actual. And there’s the rub with love, as with most things, when it comes down to it, even that which appears “actual” begins with perception. This is good news and bad news because it means only you can decide what love means in your life – be it love of another, love of self, or love of Spirit. And one thing I can guarantee: your ideas on the whole love business will ebb, shift and even transmorph depending on your age, stage and experience. coque iphone 2019 pas cher Let me repeat: to a great degree whether we know love or not, depends on how we see it. Annoying. It means we can’t all come to some unalterable agreement on what love looks, feels, tastes, or smells like. It means we each need to count on our own experiential conclusions and truths. Of course, trudging the road to this understanding is most often fraught. It requires slicing through disheartening pain and life-collaborating confusion. It necessitates for most of us, slogging through the toxic rain and over the unstable land-fills presenting as days and years. In my case it was only when I began to work with Dr. Brugh Joy in 1992, and simultaneously settled into my now long-time brilliant while confronting marriage, that the pennies began to drop. Finally at that point, after a zillion other versions of exploration, I started to truly glimpse the underbelly of the stunning beast called love. Now, Brugh tended to talk mostly about Love with a capital “L”, which eventually I came to understand as something called Trans-personal Love. Not the kind that kicks you in the where-did-it-go gut as you lay writhing on the floor; not the kind that kisses you on the lips promising to bandage early wounds; not the shiny romantic kind written about in film and story. No. Transpersonal Love has purity to it. An unconditional nature. coque iphone 7 A sincere ability to bring you to calm in the midst of chaos. Transpersonal Love is rooted in a Heart-Centered Radiance that can impact the world around you with a stunning healing capacity. Once connected with, it can tangibly pulse through us and outflow like a sweet, powerful radio wave, its vibrations changing the very world around us. Quite the revelation, this delicate and at the same time resilient energetic expression! Well, that sounds all very fine and good but how does that warm your bed, or hold your hand in the dense, dark moments? It doesn’t. Not really. Spiritual types will say it does. But the hungry secret is, from my perspective, it’s not enough. Not for every nook and cranny of our lives. Not for the daily what-do-I-do-now’s. Still, neither, I’m sad to say, is personal love enough. You know — the one we’re all running around grabbing for. The thing we pinch and scrape and read and yearn and cry for. The do-our-families-love-us…enough? Our friends? Our careers? The ones we bed? Does the Universe love us enough? Where’s the “proof”, we sadly wonder. Nope personal love is not enough to satisfy our deepest loving-life issues. Not enough for the bold moments that require facing the most terrifying decisions heart-on, nor for appreciating our lack of control over outcome, nor for a more profound connection with our deepest creative resources. Not enough even to help us face ourselves in the mirror with a clear eye! Turns out when we look for love from others, or even attempt with all our might to plug into Spiritual Love, we’re simply brushing the wrong side of the mule. The actual first focus wants to be: Do we love ourselves? Do we love the all of us? Too often, the sad answer is no. You see, self love, which we might define as the embrace and acceptance of all parts of us – good, bad and ugly – is quite the adventure. Few attempt it. Like climbing Everest. It requires assembling the right equipment, years of smaller mountain climbs in preparation, and most often, a team to assist. Still, this is where quality loving of all kinds begins. Now please understand that I’m in no way ignoring or denying the importance of Trans-personal love. Not at all. I’m only saying that the bottom line is: when it comes to a fully embraced appreciation of love in all its rainbow of colors and forms, what’s needed, in the best of all worlds, involves the interweaving of the two kinds of love here described – the personal and the trans-personal. Because self-love that doesn’t recognize there’s more than what meets the eye is simply small-minded and most often selfish; while Love that doesn’t embrace personal qualities and considerations is most often dry and lacking in true Humanity. Yes, I’d say, the human mess of us is an important part of the true love equation; equally important is an appreciation of what exists far beyond the personality we tend to insistently express. So what’s love got to do with it? What does it have to do with a truly abundant, joyful, fruitful, brilliantly functioning life? Everything. coque iphone 2019 Yep. In right-now ways and in for-all-eternity ways love is the point. coque iphone 8 May you find it now.
Listening to Your Nightly Dreams
Listening to the Language of Your Nightly Dreams By Cynthia Richmond Dreams are a universal language, people dream in every culture and they have since Adam and Eve or the first humans began populating the planet. They are a natural process; you don’t have to try to dream. coque iphone Some people have intentionally squelched remembering their dreams due to trauma. Others wish they could turn off recurring dreams of disturbing images. coque iphone outlet We will address both of those issues and many others in this monthly column. Each situation is understandable of course. However, if you think of dreams as direct communication with your Source, and you have tools to help manage the emotional discomfort, you may be more inclined to remember and work with them. What we know for sure is that everyone dreams every night, in fact every mammal dreams every sleep time, you know what I am talking about if you have a dog and have ever watched him sleep—you imagine him chasing a rabbit or jumping into your arms—there is indeed a reason and value for our dream life. I am often asked: “Why are dreams so difficult to understand? Why can’t they just show me the answer? Why do I have to figure out the meaning behind the symbols or dream actions? Why don’t my dreams just spell it out?” Many dream symbols are universal, what Carl Jung referred to as coming from the Collective Unconscious. coque iphone en ligne A mountain may represent a difficult challenge if it is in your path, however if you are on top of it, you have achieved your goal. Taking it personal a mountain could be recreation, as in repelling or skiing, or simply represent a beautiful view. What comes to your mind when you think of a mountain? You may now imagine why dreams are almost always symbolic. Every image may have a different association to every dreamer. coque iphone 8 That may be why it can be startling to wake up with the exact factual answer to your question or to remember saying the words you longed to hear from someone in your dreamscape. coque iphone xr But a small percentage of dreams are literal and require no interpretation. Additionally a percentage of dreams are precognitive, that is they predict a truth that becomes evident. During the 1960’s there were two dream bureaus, one in London, England and one in New York, USA each registered dreams from folks who tended to have dreams that came true. coque iphone xr In order for a dream to be deemed precognitive there had to be proof, such as a newspaper article or other factual information. A dreamer may have dreamed of a plane crash and have seen the N number, (registration) on the tail of the plane. soldes coque iphone 2019 They may have dreamt of an earthquake with damage in a specific location…or they could have dreamed of the unexpected death of a loved one. During those years it was determined that 12% of dreams do come true. So whether your dreams are guidance for your life in the present, inspiration for your future, an opportunity to connect with your dear departed loved ones or creative inspiration to enhance your life or improve your health, I hope you will join me here each month as we explore and seek to understand the mystical, beautiful language of our nightly dreams.
Glenn Harrold – Clinical Hypnotherapist
Glenn Harrold is an author, musician and experienced clinical hypnotherapist who has helped thousands of clients over a wide range of stress related problems. coque iphone xs max He has combined his hypnotherapy skills with an extensive recording knowledge to produce a uniquely effective series of high quality hypnosis recordings that have sold over 4 million copies and are well established as the UK’s best selling self-help audio titles of all time. coque iphone 8 Glenn also writes self-help books for Orion in the UK and McGraw Hill in the USA and produces hypnotherapy CDs for BBC audiobooks and his own company Diviniti Publishing Ltd. Glenn’s best selling hypnosis CD, Complete Relaxation, has been at Number 1 in the self-help audio chart every year for the last 7 years, and in 2006 was awarded a gold disc for sales of over £250,000. acheter coque iphone Glenn has 20 years experience as a clinical hypnotherapist in one to one therapy sessions, and in recent years he has worked with many high profile and celebrity clients. coque iphone solde In May 2011 he was made a fellow of the British School of Clinical Hypnosis for his achievements in the world of hypnotherapy. coque iphone pas cher His Relax & Sleep Well App has become the world’s biggest grossing self-help App and has been downloaded over 1 million times. It has been number one in the lifestyle chart in over 30 countries and reached number 5 in the USA. Most of Glenn’s catalogue of hypnosis and meditation titles are now available on the Apple and Android App Stores.
Cynthia Richmond – Dream Work
Cynthia Richmond is a board-certified behavioral therapist, author, educator, television host, radio host, voice-over artist, columnist and speaker. Cynthia has written a weekly column for the Arizona Republic. coque iphone x “In Your Dreams,” which first ran weekly in the Los Angeles Times for more than three years. coque iphone soldes In addition her column interpreting the dreams of school children ran for over a year and solicited invitations to speak at schools throughout Southern California. For two years Ms. Richmond was the popular host of the daily, live, national television program, State of Mind on the NBC cable television network from New York. coque iphone She has appeared on Oprah, Dr. Phil, The Dr. Oz Show, The View with Barbara Walters, Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Beyond with James Van Praagh, Donny & Marie, Leeza, EntertainmentTonight, The Today Show, Men Are From Mars, Montel, Gordon Elliot, Maury, Ricki Lake, Soap Talk, Inside Edition, ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox News Network and on many other local and national television programs. Cynthia was the 2010 Visionary Award recipient from NAWBO, the National Association of Women Business Owners. Entertainment Tonight called her “One of the country’s foremost authorities on dreams and their meanings. coque iphone x Cynthia was the dream expert on Infinite Quest, an online university created by psychic medium John Edward throughout its existence. She speaks to groups around the country and does private sessions via electronic media. coque iphone x “Our nightly dreams are our connection to Source, they offer us guidance, encouragement, inspiration and connection to departed loved ones. coque iphone en ligne Writing our dreams down when we wake preserves them for interpretation and continued benefits.
Genesis Act II Workshop – Begin a New Life!
JOIN IN for Genesis Act II Workshop – June 27th, 28th, and 29th, 2014. BEGIN YOUR NEW LIFE TODAY! SIGN UP NOW! Genesis Act II Workshop takes the best of the Genesis Workshops and puts it into the Act II format that makes the workshops ideal for new-comers who want to experience a new approach to self-healing, spiritual-enlightenment and mental well-being. coque iphone pas cher This program was created to: meet your busy schedules, help you experience a rebirth of clarity in a short amount of time. coque iphone en ligne With Genesis Act II, you will be provided the tools to help you overcome your mental obstacles and get you on the right path within an accelerated timeline. coque iphone If you have not been to a Genesis Workshop, then Genesis Act II is for you. coque iphone 2019 I have spent many years developing workshops for life and helping people. coque iphone pas cher Genesis Act II is the most powerful, effective way to help you break down the walls that bind you. From past relationship issues, personal loss and issues that hold you back, you will be moved, enlightened and empowered by Genesis Act II. I personally invite you to participate in this amazing journey. vente de coque iphone It is truly profound and I am very proud to be offering Genesis Act II on June 27th, 28th, and 29th, 2014. coque iphone solde Hope to see you there, sign-up now, as space is limited! Dr. Nicki J. Monti WHAT: GENESIS ACT II WORKSHOP WHEN: June 27th, 28th, and 29th, 2014.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832, was a German writer and politician. His body of work includes epic and lyric poetry written in a variety of metres and styles; prose and verse dramas; memoirs; an autobiography; literary and aesthetic criticism; treatises on botany, anatomy, and colour; and four novels. In addition, numerous literary and scientific fragments, more than 10,000 letters, and nearly 3,000 drawings by him are extant. coque iphone en ligne A literary celebrity by the age of 25, Goethe was ennobled by the Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Carl August in 1782 after first taking up residence there in November of 1775 following the success of his first novel, The Sorrows of Young Werther. He was an early participant in the Sturm und Drang literary movement. coque iphone 2019 soldes During his first ten years in Weimar, Goethe served as a member of the Duke’s privy council, sat on the war and highway commissions, oversaw the reopening of silver mines in nearby Ilmenau, and implemented a series of administrative reforms at the University of Jena. He also contributed to the planning of Weimar’s botanical park and the rebuilding of its Ducal Palace, which in 1998 were together designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. coque iphone pas cher After returning from a tour of Italy in 1788, his first major scientific work, the Metamorphosis of Plants, was published. In 1791 he was made managing director of the theatre at Weimar, and in 1794 he began a friendship with the dramatist, historian, and philosopher Friedrich Schiller, whose plays he premiered until Schiller’s death in 1805. During this period Goethe published his second novel, Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship, the verse epic Hermann and Dorothea, and, in 1808, the first part of his most celebrated drama, Faust. coque iphone 7 His conversations and various common undertakings throughout the 1790s with Schiller, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Johann Gottfried Herder, Alexander von Humboldt, Wilhelm von Humboldt, and August and Friedrich Schlegel have, in later years, been collectively termed Weimar Classicism. Arthur Schopenhauer cited Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship as one of the four greatest novels ever written and Ralph Waldo Emerson selected Goethe, along with Plato, Napoleon, and William Shakespeare, as one of six “representative men” in his work of the same name. coque iphone pas cher Goethe’s comments and observations form the basis of several biographical works, most notably Johann Peter Eckermann’s Conversations with Goethe. coque iphone 8 There are frequent references to Goethe’s various sayings and maxims throughout the course of Friedrich Nietzsche’s work and there are numerous allusions to Goethe in the novels of Hermann Hesse and Thomas Mann as well as in the psychological writings of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. coque iphone Goethe’s poems were set to music throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries by a number of composers, including Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Johannes Brahms, Charles Gounod, Richard Wagner, Hugo Wolf, and Gustav Mahler.