By: Cynthia Richmond Nightmares or unsettling dreams are most often messages from our subconscious mind reflecting our health; either emotional, mental or physical. The subconscious mind knows the status of every cell in our bodies, and our dreams are a barometer of our health, if we pay attention! Before all of the scans, diagnostic tools and electronics we have today, in ancient times, nightly dreams were relied on for important health information. In ancient Babylon for example there were healing gardens, where the in-firmed would come for healing. The priest/healer would listen to the patient’s symptoms and prescribe an herbal drink to induce sleep and dreams. acheter coque iphone en ligne In the morning the healer would listen to the dreams and dictate the healing regime based on his interpretation. One interesting aspect of this time was that if the ill person could not travel, they could send a proxy! A person that knew and loved the in-firmed individual would fill-in and the priest would give them the herbal drink and listen to their dream for the patient! One of the reasons we dream is compensatory, bad dreams then can be sort of a safety valve…letting out steam so we can release stress and not carry it into our next day. This can lower blood pressure and has other medical benefits. Many people with cancer, for example, have a dream of something eating them up, or of bugs invading their home or car before they learn that their body has indeed been affected by cancer. In the language of dreams, the home and the vehicle are often symbolic for the physical body. We may ask our subconscious mind, what is in the best interest of our health at this time, before we go to sleep…and review the morning’s dream for clues. Often my clients get messages indicating that they should play more, revert to childhood joys, or be quiet instead of chaotic. coque iphone pas cher Many dreams suggest foods that the body is wanting for specific nutrients it would benefit from. soldes coque iphone 2019 Common nightmares for adults include being chased by an unrecognizable figure. This can indicate that an illness is taking over the cellular structure, but it can also be a psychological or emotional stress, such as a deadline from an unreasonable boss or an argument with a loved one. The point is that stress leads to physical illness and we need to pay attention to our dreams. coque iphone 6 There is a common phrase, be careful what you wish for. An ominous warning that we may not be aware of the consequences of what we want at a particular moment. Sometimes our nightmares remind us that we are out of control and in harms way. I once had a client who had a nightmare in which he was driving too fast on a curvy road and was out of control, he couldn’t reach the brake pedal, the seat became unattached from the floorboard, he barely survived in his dream and when he woke he immediately knew that his fast lane friends and his drug habit were getting the best of him and he sought help. Frequent health nightmares include tsunamis of water where only the dreamer seems to notice the danger. coque iphone soldes Water can represent emotion and in this dream it is overwhelming. coque iphone The dreamer is out of balance, consumed by something harmful, be it food, alcohol, drugs or a lifestyle choice that is threatening their health. Write down your dreams and nightmares and try to let yourself accept the dream imagery. Ask yourself what does this mean? Or what does my body want? Dreams can direct you to a better life, to releasing an unhealthy relationship, to leaving a crippling job, or to a literal message to see your doctor.
Mother Now As Ever – By: Nicki Monti
The other day we spoke of mother. soldes coque iphone Her dementia ward “team” on one end of the country, my husband and I on the other. Technologies invitation. I was left standing in a gentle pool of gratitude. At least she can’t burn down the building. At least she’s being watched over. At least it’s not me doing the watching. Mother hasn’t changed much really. Her mind is gone but her perspective remains the same. She’s belligerent, blaming, self-righteous and man-loving. What’s been added is that her inside mechanisms appear visible on the outside now. Like a sweater worn with the seams showing. Now her fear can be seen. Now her tears flow freely and her screams are out loud constant. And now at ninety two she has no job. She’s always worked. They asked about what interests she used to have so they could offer her activities. To make money, was all I could tell them. Money was her most constant, fervent lover. Who is she at this moment? Who are we, any of us, when all that we have known ourselves to be gets ripped from beneath us? As with many dementia folk she refuses to eat, getting thinner and thinner. Perhaps she will just finally fade from view. One morning they’ll go to her bed to find only a tiny sliver of nail or brush of emaciated hair or press of perspiration upon the sheets. One can hope. Probably that sounds disgusting to hear said. Truly though, it feels like watching a film about the horrors of the dammed. She tells you so herself all the time in her way — saying over and over she wants to die. What part of her refuses, that’s the mystery? And I’m afraid too. Afraid that will someday be me. Afraid that all my “good works” and consciousness efforts have been not sufficient to the task of over-riding my interior furious mother. Afraid that I will end badly. And alone. No one goes to see my mother. Who would? She pushed away all too long ago. coque iphone xs max Sure, there were some in the later years who gave her a pass crediting her vile ways as simply old age. Projection I’d call that. coque iphone 6 And wishful thinking. coque iphone 6 In case it happened to them. Maybe they’ll get a pass too. soldes coque iphone Besides that was within circumstance. At the bank, or liquor store or local market. No one needs to take heed now. Mostly though, after our chat with the caretakers who do the unthinkable day after day – those who stand in the flood of her vitriol encouraging her to eat one more bite, reminding her she’s indeed not married to the fellow down the hall, getting her into her wheelchair amidst her vicious complaints so she can sit in the day room with the other residents she hates and thinks are crazy as she is not — I’m left feeling a profound grief for her. There were other paths to take – other ways to greet her pattern. All along she chose a dark road. Today I am mostly reminded of my one only continuing job – to discover what I can and must offer back to Life in gratitude for what life has given to me. Most of me feels confident that in doing such, my ending also, as with mother — as with most — will describe my many-decades journey. Unless something else happens. Something unforeseen. What if when my sweater seams turn inside out they show frayed and moth eaten putrid rather than Holy as I’d prefer. Well, then, I suppose, I’ll simply have to hope to get a pass.
Your Plants May Need Therapy Too…
For years, it’s been said that ‘talking’ to your plants will help them flourish and grow. New groundbreaking scientific research suggests that may be true – plants can absorb energy forces that surround them, and can be affected positively or negatively by the same. If this is true for plants, wouldn’t humans share the same trait? Even dating back to the philosophies of Buddha, human and plant interconnectedness through energy has been spoken of in his words: “We are the same as plants, as trees, as other people, as the rain that falls. coque iphone pas cher We consist of that which is around us, we are the same as everything.” Lead by Dr. coque iphone Olaf Kruse, research biologists at Bielefeld University (Germany) discovered that outside of the normal photosynthesis that occurs, when necessary for survival, plants take the energies needed from a previously unheard of source – other plants. Plants thrive via photosynthesis: the process of mixing carbon dioxide, water and light. acheter coque iphone en ligne Dr. coque iphone Kruse and his team grew microscopic single-celled green algae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and discovered that when faced with a lack of energy to survive, these plants got their ‘charge’ by taking in the energy of other nearby plants. These plants have the necessary tools that enable them to sense and absorb this energy, converting it into fuel and allowing them to continue to grow. So, how does this relate to humans? Both humans and plants need light and water (energy) to flourish and grow. Our physical body is like a sponge that soaks up our environment. Our spiritual and metaphysical self is no different. In that sense, the energy we surround ourselves with is of extreme importance if we are to lead healthy, productive and peaceful lives. We need positive surroundings in order to maintain our desired state. Psychologist and energy healer Dr. Olivia Bader-Lee suggests the same, saying, “This is exactly why there are certain people who feel uncomfortable in specific group settings where there is a mix of energy and emotions.” Dr. Bader–Lee believes that the field of bioenergy is on the rise and the scientific community will keep generating such studies that can prove what metaphysicians have stated for years: humans have the power to heal (or harm) one another through energy transfers – just like plants. “The human organism is much like a plant, it draws needed energy to feed emotional states … When studies become more advanced in the coming years, we will eventually see this translated to human beings as well… “ says Bader-Lee. This would suggest that our energies can indeed be tapped by others if we don’t take the proper care to keep ourselves aware. coqueiphone The energetic fields that surround us can fluctuate in the presence of positive or negative environments. On this, Bader-Lee says: “Human can absorb and heal through other humans, animals, and any part of nature. That’s why being around nature is often uplifting and energizing for so many people.” Your own energies can be used for good but also depleted by certain people, places and situations. Take care to ensure your best possible self. Surround yourself with positive energy and uplifting spirits for a happy, productive life. By: Sara E.
Will the Real Introverts Please Stand Up?
By Scott Barry Kaufman (Original Article)
Video: Steiner on the Gospels
Rudolf Steiner’s lectures on the Gospels of John and Luke “From the readings from Rudolf Steiner’s lectures on the Gospels of John and Luke showing how our spiritual development proceeds in a spiral motion through the zodiac so that each soul can experience the collective. coque iphone xr The influence of the cosmos on our planet’s destiny is mirrored in the individual’s relationship to the cosmos. outlet coque iphone INFO on the #7
Video: Steiner on Impulses of Evolution
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Rudolf Steiner Web – In Depth
Rudolf Steiner Web The purpose of this site is to highlight the multi-faceted genius of Rudolf Steiner. coque iphone He made substantial contributions in numerous practical fields, coque iphone soldes in addition to being the most significant occultist to come forward in the last century. coque iphone 2019 pas cher The complete edition of his published works numbers over 330 volumes (with surprisingly little repetition) making him among the most prolific authors of all time, coque iphone en ligne though it was with the help of a number of stenographers. coque iphone 6 The links on the right explore Rudolf Steiner’s contributions in various areas.