The Wisdom of Your Cells

In the tradition of Carl Sagan, Rachel Carson, and Stephen Hawking, a new voice has emerged with the unique gift of translating cutting-edge science into clear, accessible language: Dr. coque iphone pas cher Bruce Lipton. coque iphone xs max With The Wisdom of Your Cells, this internationally recognized authority on cellular biology takes listeners on an in-depth exploration into the microscopic world, where new discoveries and research are revolutionizing the way we understand life, evolution, and consciousness. soldes coque iphone On this full-length audio course, Dr. coque iphone en ligne Lipton shares his lucid and startling insights about the building blocks of life, and how each one of our cells has far greater innate intelligence than we once believed. coque iphone pas cher

The Wisdom of Your Cells by Bruce Lipton
© 2007 by Bruce Lipton.

Dog Smells Cancer, Saves Owner’s Life

His Owner Thought Something Was Wrong With Him. Little Did She Know He Was About to Save Her Life. By: Oliver Darcy Maureen Burns’ dog Max was usually full of life. That’s why when the 9-year-old collie cross started behaving strangely, she assumed the worst. coque iphone 7 “I thought at the time, Max was fading. He was nine-and-a-half and I was preparing myself for losing him,” she told BBC Earth. Little did Burns know, Max was perfectly healthy. She, however, wasn’t and Max knew why. “[Max] would come up and touch my breast with his nose, and back off so desperately unhappy…” “[He] wouldn’t come with me, wouldn’t sit by me, wouldn’t sit on my lap,” Burns explained. coque iphone xr ”The odd signs were when he would come up and touch my breast with his nose, and back off so desperately unhappy with such a sad look in his eyes.” Burns had a lump in her breast, but because her last mammogram had come back clear, she didn’t think anything of it. That’s until she connected the lump with Max’s behavior. coque iphone xs Burns scheduled a follow-up mammogram and scan. Both came back negative. coque iphone Still worried, she underwent a surgical biopsy. coque iphone 2019 Cancer was detected. According to BBC Earth, dogs can smell chemicals from cancerous tumors. coque iphone 8 In fact, as TheBlaze previously reported, research continues to confirm the accuracy with which dogs can smell cancer. Burns said that when she went home after her tumor had been removed, things were quite different with Max. “He put his nose across my breast to check where the operation had been and was wagging his tail and his eyes were happy,” she told BBC Earth.

The Bodhi Tree Sadly Closes Its Doors

The doors to the original location of The Bodhi Tree on Melrose Avenue are now closed, but their spirit remains alive and vibrant. coque iphone xs max They are hard at work on the reincarnation of the Bodhi Tree and look forward to sharing their progress over the coming year. soldes coque iphone Check back here often! While they’re busy creating a whole new and expanded selection of products and resources for the Bodhi Tree community, coque iphone they hope you will enjoy the selection of materials, coque iphone pas cher radio programming, coque iphone xs max history and recommendations you will find on their online store. coque iphone en ligne Shop for books, coque iphone 7 transformational media and other products by clicking to their online store.

Tapping Your Akashic Records – Heaven on Earth?

Tapping Your Akashic Records – A Little Bit of Heaven on Earth by Sara E. Morrow In life, we make decisions all day long. From the big to the small, constantly making choices that affect our present and future. What if there was a way to access all the information in the Universe we could ever need to help us along? The Akashic Records are thought to be a Divine source, hidden in the Universe, that we can find all the information on human kind about the past, present and future, to help us make informed, beneficial choices to have the best life possible. Knowledge contained in these records is imprinted on the ‘Akasha’ – the Sanskrit word meaning ‘space’, both in its elemental and metaphysical forms. The Akasha contains the energy that makes up everything in the Universe. What’s an Akashic Record? The DNA of the Universe. Akashic records can be thought of as the imprints of every thought, action, emotion and experience that’s ever taken place in time and space. We each have our own record. soldes coque iphone These records are thought to be energetically protected by guides, guardians and keepers. Akashic records tell the stories we can’t utilize in our conscious mind, without help from the divine. According to theory, this enables us to have a taste of ‘heaven on earth’. The world as we have collectively perceived it is but a faint shadow within a vast reality. Think of these records as the realm of the unseen world. coque iphone x Like the dream state that has many different levels of brain activity while we sleep, other dimensions we don’t usually tap into are parts the exist within our mind. Our brain activity proves that our mind is always working – this can be scientifically measured. Regardless of whether we can ‘see’ them or not, all thoughts and experiences exist. coque iphone 2019 History of Akashic Records In the Bible, they are referred to as the Book of Life. In Hindu, Akasha is related to the primary principle of nature involving the four natural elements: fire, air, earth and water. coque iphone soldes Edgar Cayce was the first to publically document his journey within the Akashic realm, stating: “The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation. These records connect each one of us to one another.” He theorizes that in death, we are all presented with our personal Akashic record of what we have or have not done in life in a karmic sense. vente de coque iphone The idea is comparable to the biblical Book of Life, which is consulted to see whether or not the dead are admitted to heaven. How can we tap in? What was once thought of as a source only for the Divinities and Prophets of our time is now thought to be accessible to all humankind who pursue a connection and work a path towards spiritual enlightenment. To open or access the Akashic Records, we move from our daily state of consciousness to a state where we tap into our divine consciousness that is shared with all in the universe. Intuition, prayer, meditation and flashes of insight are ways we can tap into our Akashic files. We may even unconsciously access them in our daily lives within our reflections and ‘gut’ instincts. But if a stronger connection is desired, there are techniques we can learn, using meditation, breathing techniques and sacred spoken prayers. Some also choose to use a professional consultant who has studied the practices and has expertise in the area. Akashic records also draw us to and away from one another due to past histories contained within the records. coque iphone 8 That ‘feeling’ that you’ve known someone before, or just ‘don’t mix’ with someone else very well may be rooted in a past life that we know nothing of in our conscious mind. The records are a divine tool we can use to remember our oneness with all beings in the universe and find our personal power to create the life we desire.

Rebecca Fearing – Medium, Healer

Rebecca FearingRebecca Fearing is a psychic medium and healer from Southern California. coque iphone 8 She is considered one of the most talented and naturally gifted practicing clairvoyants in the country. coque iphone 2019 soldes Her clients include business professionals, entrepreneurs, celebrities, coque iphone pas cher and law enforcement agencies. coque iphone She connects through spirit with loved ones who have passed away, coque iphone bringing peace, closure, coque iphone 8 guidance and connection. Through this connection, Rebecca can provide detailed information on relationships, coque iphone 7 both business and personal.

Video: Cardinal Grand Cross 2014

April 2014 heralds a very rare astrological event, where four planets (PLUTO opposing JUPITER & MARS opposing URANUS), are at exact 90 degree angles to one another, hence forming a Grand Cross in our celestial skies. soldes coque iphone 2019 In addition, each of these planets are sitting at ’13 degrees’ of the 4 CARDINAL signs (Pluto 13 degrees Capricorn, Jupiter 13 degrees Cancer, Mars 13 degrees Libra & Uranus 13 degrees Aries). Plus Mars is Retrograde (appearance of going backwards) during the Cardinal Grand Cross Alignment. coque iphone 2019 PLUS, adding to this melting pot of transformational energies, the climax of this Cardinal Grand Cross on the 23/24 April 2014 takes place between two eclipses; a Total Lunar Eclipse on the 14 April 2014 followed by a Solar Eclipse on the 28 April 2014. Hope you enjoy this slideshow summary of the energetic ‘Quantum Potential’ of the Cardinal Grand Cross of 2014. coque iphone soldes

For a more detailed understanding of this event and to receive a number of free energetic tools, please visit: PLEASE NOTE: At the 3:40 minute mark, there is a typo in the heading on a few of the slides. coque iphone 6 The Annular Solar Eclipse is on the 29 April 2014 (not the 14/15 April, as that is the date of the Lunar Eclipse… coque iphone 2019 Ooops, apologies for any confusion).

Shaman Heals Insecurity and Addiction

By Kristen McGuiness How a Shaman Helped Me Deal With My Deepest Insecurities and Severe Addiction These methods are unconventional, but they’ve kept me sane and sober. April 4, 2014 The following article first appeared in The Fix. Also on Brain Restoration: Too Good to be True for Addiction and Disease?; Howard Dean and the Politics of Recovery ; Tap Tap Tap: A Path to Healing and Recovery. Lidia leans over me and shakes her rattle, asking me to breathe in deep to the child I was. I feel the heavy stone as it sits on my belly, the scent of copal and green tea heavy in the room. I have done a lot of things to get sober, but in many ways, this hour with Lidia has kept me there. When I was barely a year sober, I had gotten a traffic ticket, had my wallet stolen, and was dumped by a guy all in the space of one week. My boss found me crying in my office one night, and offered to introduce me to someone. At first, I thought she meant a potential love interest, but she meant Lidia, her therapist. coque iphone 2019 As I quickly found out, Lidia was not only a licensed counselor, but also a Curandera, trained in the Shamanic energy work of the Peruvian and Huichol native peoples. The work that began that day in Chatsworth has carried me through my sobriety, and at the same time is deeply connected to it. Because what Lidia has taught me is that our souls are hardwired to our mental impulses. The belief systems which have been handed down from my Hungarian, Italian and Irish ancestors still live in my actions today and the lies that my forebears told themselves, and their children, in order to survive often echo in my own behaviors. And like the DNA that spirals through my chromosomal identity, those stories create the spine of my resentments, my fears, and how I have learned to love.On my first trip, she had me talk about where I was at in life—describing the frustration of my work life, my love life, and the childhood that had been so key in shaping the choices that led to both. Despite her loose white linen garments, and the hippie decorum of her home (nestled in the middle of suburban Chatsworth), it could have been any therapy session anywhere. But then she pulled down the shades, turned off the lights, pulled out her circle of sacred stones, and we began dipping into the shades of consciousness that pool around that desire to drink something or take something in order feel better. On that first day with Lidia when she had me choose a stone and then laid it on my body before pulling out a rattle and helping me channel the energy passed down by generations and solidified by my own beliefs and perspectives, I saw what I had yet to find anywhere else: the neurosis that lies beneath the addiction. And together Lidia and I began to heal it. At one time, I saw Lidia every month, but today, I only see her three to four times a year. The reason is simple, I have gotten better. But life still comes up. Through my time with Lidia, I left a job I did not love for one I did, I wrote and published my first book, I created a career as a writer, I fell in love and got married, I moved to Paris for a Masters degree, and came home to Los Angeles to new and exciting adventures in my career and in life. Now, as I prepare to embark on the next phase – getting pregnant and starting a family – I turn to Lidia again. We discuss my need for control as I have been trying to time my pregnancy with a Chinese gender predictor chart and the most desired astrological signs. That would be a control issue, I believe. Lidia again challenges me to find why this need for control still pervades my life. She explains to me what I had yet to realize myself, “It sounds like an addictive behavior. You’re compulsively trying to plan for life when you know that life doesn’t work that way.” Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Yes, I know that tune. It doesn’t take me long to trace back this addiction. When I was growing up, my father was imprisoned for marijuana smuggling. Nearly every year, he would give me a date for his release – June 4, 1988, November 10, 1990, August 30, 1996. I know these dates like the back of my hand. I would plan for them, dream about them, illustrate them in perfect detail. The day my father would be free, the day my daddy would come home. But then that date would pass, and my father would remain incarcerated, as he had been since I was four. The habit is old. If there is something I want, I will immediately feel the need to design its acquisition. I will formulate dates, I will plan big events, I will want to control what was never, ever in my control in the first place. And l do this all with the mind of an addict: obsessively, compulsively, unable to stop even when I know it’s not good for me, let alone those around me (just ask my husband). Lidia has me get on the floor and choose a stone. It isn’t as strange as it used to be. The process is now comforting, like settling in before a massage. I choose a strangely molded one that looks like a purplish brain. Lidia places it on my belly and we begin to channel the energy that can either hold back or inspire my deepest potential. coque iphone I begin to talk, but its not really a deliberate dialogue, it’s born from that liquid consciousness – the one that speaks in scents and colors and not in language or reason. coque iphone en ligne And in that stream of thought, I recognize the games I play with finance, with my relationship, in my career. My unending need to plan vacations and track dates and calculate numbers and premeditate fantasies and goals and babies in ways that are not necessarily healthy. The time passes quickly. The tears have come and gone and I am breathing deeply on Lidia’s floor when suddenly I feel a ripple of energy run up along the left side of my shoulder and around my neck. It’s a strange experience, one I have never had before while meditating. Lidia shakes the final spell of her rattle, and closes the ceremony. I open my eyes to see her sitting above me, looking down. “The weirdest thing just happened,” she tells me. “As you were laying there at the end, I saw this image of a swan wrap itself around your neck. coque iphone xs max It was so clear, I could see it move up your shoulder and then your two necks intertwined.” She laughs, “I wondered what it was going to do with its little webbed claws.” I gasp. This is why I come here. This is why I continue to come here. Because beneath the addiction, beneath the twelve steps, beneath the recovery and the sobriety, is the magic of being alive. And Lidia and I dance together in that. coque iphone I tell her how I felt the same thing, and I realize what the feeling was, “It was feathers. I could feel feathers moving alongside my body.” Fuck yeah, magic. After we get up, and close with a final prayer, turning the room back into one that could double as any therapist’s office anywhere, she pulls out a book on medicine animals. In it, we read about the swan, “Swan… The power of woman entering Sacred Space, touching future, yet to come, bringing eternal grace.” Kristen McGuiness is a freelance writer and regular contributor to The Fix who wrote previously about old timers in AA and sober travel, among other topics. She is the author of 51/50: The Magical Adventures of a Single Life.