NOW: Mars in Retrograde – Your Survival Guide

“Mars is the force which propels the seed to germinate.” Dane Rudhyar In December 2013, Mars entered the sign of Libra where it remains until the end of July 2014. coque iphone soldes Normally Mars resides in a sign 45 days, so this is an extended length of time. Within that time frame, between March 1, 2014 and May 19, 2014, Mars will be retrograde. Mars has been described as the energizer, the challenger, and the cosmic trigger. It is an outreaching dynamic, action oriented, providing the drive to progress and achieve; not an inward energy. Mars can be both courageous and contentious. It represents anger and passion, and so can rage and battle, or it can assert and direct in a manner that supports advancement. Like fire, be cautious in the manner you express your Mars; it can provide sustenance and light or it can burn and blacken. In retrograde, Mars may be frustrating. Strategies or plans may not advance quickly or smoothly, and action to implement may not be smooth, so patience is required. It may take time for plans and projects to manifest; results may not be immediate. coque iphone pas cher Often there are many course corrections, and periods of waiting. To learn where Mars is asking for your personal focus, look to your Ascendant. coque iphone Remember this is general information, and the specifics of your personal natal chart may alter the interpretation. Mars in 1, Libra Ascendant: Impetus to assert and stand up for oneself. This is a great time to work on your image. What needs to be changed to foster success? Have the courage to make those changes after the retrograde period when you should have the drive and energy to do so. During the retrograde period be patient with your progress. Mars in 2, Virgo Ascendant: During the retrograde focus on plans to develop and expand your financial opportunities. A reevaluation of how you manifest, as well as the use of your financial resources, is called for. Although your ambition is ignited, you might want to take action and initiative to move forward after the retrograde when results come more easily. Mars in 3, Leo Ascendant: During the retrograde period be mindful of how you communicate. Be courageous, not impulsive or argumentative. If contracts must be signed during the retrograde, take care that you are completely clear regarding those documents. You may have some difficulty making decisions about how you want to implement ideas and plans; after the retrograde you may be clearer and implementation might be smoother. coque iphone 8 Mars in 4, Cancer Ascendant: After the retrograde is a positive time to undertake projects at home. If you have wanted to move it’s a good time to pursue that. During the retrograde period projects at home may need to be reworked, or a choice to move may be reconsidered. A parent may need more attention than usual, or time between home and career needs adjustment. Mars in 5, Gemini Ascendant: During the retrograde period creative types may feel stagnant, blocked, or out of the flow. Once Mars goes direct creativity is newly ignited, especially for artists. And during the retrograde children may be more demanding. Also be mindful with gambling or risky undertakings. My advice to workaholic types: take some time to play. Mars in 6, Taurus Ascendant: Once the retrograde period is over a great deal of energy will be career focused. During the retrograde the organizational side of work may be frustrating and draining. At this time you will need to work for what you receive, and you might adjust expectations temporarily. Focus on organizing to improve productivity. If you are an employer you may have issues with employees. Mars in 7, Aries Ascendant: Expect disagreements with your partner during the retrograde period, or there may be legal concerns to attend to in business. A balance between the needs of the partnership and self come into focus. One might wait until after the retrograde to make decisions regarding partnership. After the retrograde period relationships issues may resolve, and focus on partnership issues should bring positive results. Mars in 8, Pisces Ascendant: During Mars in Libra be pristine with all shared monies, taxes, loans, ect. If there are any outstanding issues over shared accounts, now is the time to tie up loose ends. Taxes loans, and monies shared require attention. coque iphone 2019 pas cher Be conservative, not risky, in sexual areas. Promises for loans or funding may fall through temporarily during the retrograde. Mars in 9, Aquarius Ascendant: During Mars in Libra travelling long distance for vacation or adventure is usually welcomed. At the same time business travel involving a foreign opportunity may present itself. However, during the retrograde period there may be glitches in travel plans and opportunities from a long distance. Mars in 10, Capricorn Ascendant: Renewed ambition and drive to push in career areas. New opportunities for leadership may be pursued, and ambition and energy is directed towards distinguishing one in career. coque iphone soldes Calm the tendency to steam roll over others. Results to move forward may be delayed or unsupported until Mars goes direct. Choose your battles wisely. Mars in 11, Sagittarius Ascendant: Mars supports active participation with friends, groups, and organizations. You may be involved in standing up for a friend, or you may find that during this time issues with friends arise. If you are at odds with a friend, you might make more progress if you wait until after the retrograde to resolve the matter. Mars in 12, Scorpio Ascendant: This is where we block or bottle up the energy of Mars. Mars is undercover in the 12th house, so the work for you with this transit is to confront any emotions that you disown, so they can find a healthy expression. coque iphone Under the retrograde you may explore wounds of the past with the goal to heal.

Decoding Solar Returns – Cathryn Hunter

JKP_1281smThe collective’s New Year is an ideal time to discuss the Solar Return, or one’s personal New Year; the day the Sun returns to the original degree and minute of one’s birth. It can be the day before one’s birthday, the day of, or the day after. This is your true personal New Year. Liz Greene, Jungian Psychologist and Astrologer, refers to the Solar Return as a powerful energy impulse into our personal chart, “Today is the day of new beginnings, and the influences will be in effect for the entire year to come.” It is said that 88% if all New Year’s resolutions fail. From my perspective it is due to the fact that on this day, there is no particular individual solar support that impacts one’s particular chart (unless you are born January1). With that in mind, the most effective time to set intentions or make resolutions, would be on your birthday, the day of your Solar Return, your true New Year, when you have energetic assistance helping you co create your year ahead. So, every year, on or near your birthday, you experience a Solar Return, which activates a chart that holds influence for a year. Keep in mind, your SR chart will change by where you are geographically at that time; just as two people born at the same day and time, yet in different places, will have entirely different charts. I view the SR chart as a thread in your astrological tapestry. The foundational thread is the chart you were born with, which represents your patterns, talents, potentials. As time goes on the threads of the transits, progressions, eclipses, and planetary returns, are woven into your fabric. So although the SR is weighty, it is a part of the whole. While the influence of the SR is pivotal, one must be mindful of an attitude of reductionism, which is, isolating the power of the SR, and not honoring the entire astrological terrain. My position is one of inclusivity, that is, all astrological dynamics are factors in what unfolds in your year. Consider the image of a scale as our astrological terrain. Imagine the scale tipping to one side in challenging cycles. The SR can be a tool in bringing the scale back to balance, or even tip it to the positive side, giving welcomed support through these challenges. By traveling to a destination that is supportive astrologically for your SR birthday New Year, you utilize a tool that can contribute to a helpful influence for the year. Whether or not one stays home or takes a SR trip, the most successful Solar Returns are the ones where one is an active participant with the energy of the chart. It is said that there is relationship between inner and outer, what is “in here is out there”, in other words, within us we create our outer world. The SR is more than a symbol of planets arranged in certain order. To realize the potential of a SR, the goal should be work with its possibilities, and throughout the year consistently attune to the energy and give attention to the opportunity reflected by the chart of the Solar Return; in doing so work toward, realize, and create the goal in your outer world. Consider the Solar Return a planetary MAP that when one participates, takes the road created, increases the power of the return. soldes coque iphone Solar Return trips are not for magical thinkers or those looking for an easy way to reach a certain end. coque iphone pas cher For instance, no Solar Return will improve one’s health if one doesn’t follow through with good health habits. coque iphone en ligne No Solar Return will offset one’s negative patterns and self defeating ways which operate to hold one back. No Solar Return will function against the themes in the natal chart. coque iphone xs max For instance, if a natal chart does not hold the promise of fame, no Solar Return will be able to deliver that. Those of us who do SR will still experience the challenges of life. In my regular sessions, based on where you tell me you were at that time, I will comment on your SR, along with other astrological factors, as a part of your session. coque iphone Additionally, I have clients who ask me to find a birthday SR destination ahead of time, which creates a supportive SR chart for the upcoming year. (This is separate from regular sessions.) If one cannot travel for ones SR, one should always be mindful of the time of your Solar Return. coque iphone 2019 pas cher In my Yearly Forecast Sessions, whether or not you ask me to find a Solar Return destination for you, I will always give you your Solar Return day and time for the place you plan to be. This time is wisely used in the same rituals that are regularly performed at the collective New Year, that is, meditation, journaling, goal setting, and visualizing what you desire to accomplish.

April 2014 Astrology – Cathryn Hunter

By Cathryn Hunter

JKP_1281smThrough astrology we take a deeper look. It informs our path, offering the keys to unlocking the mystery of who we are, as well as what we are experiencing at this moment.  The Natal chart is struck at the moment of birth, and represents the planetary connections at that precise time; the links between the universe and the individual.  It reveals our personal experience, our life themes, where we struggle and where we are gifted. Although our Natal chart is struck, the planets continue to move in their planetary paths, and in doing so form relationships to our natal chart; as time goes by, these transits energize certain areas and themes in our life experience. Astrology is a symbolic language, and my gift is to translate and decode those symbols into meaningful information.

In the first half of 2014 we are experiencing an ongoing string of retrogrades which began with Venus, then Mercury, Mars, and Mercury again. During this time frame there are few breaks in the retrograde patterns. More than a time of initiation and action, this is a time of reevaluation, taking another look, turning another eye, considering divergent opinions.

April promises to be an intense month, with a Lunar Eclipse, and a Grand Cross that engages the ongoing square of Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries, which began in 2012 and continues for another year and a half. In April, Mars in Libra and Jupiter in Cancer are added to the mix, escalating the Square to a Grand Cross.  Pluto and Uranus in hard aspect can be explosive and tense. Pluto in Capricorn represents the status quo and favors steady progress and transformation, Uranus is more interested in change, no matter what the cost. In the square we feel the tension and intensity represented by the conflicting perspectives of the planets.

The lesson of this time is flexibility; tension and stress are related to digging in our heels, holding fast to what is not working, and resisting change.  In April the cardinal signs, Libra, Capricorn, and Aries at 13 degrees, are most affected.  If you have planets in those signs and degrees in your natal chart expect issues to surface.  Change is up, one cannot move back into regressive containers, no matter how safe they feel. Although these cardinal signs at 13 degrees feel it most intensely, this theme is relevant for all.  If you have no planets at those specific signs and degrees the energy is operating somewhere in your chart or life experience. By looking at your personal chart you can see where this energy is directed and felt. Although stressful, these cycles come to facilitate needed change, and for most, change is not easy. Use Uranus to open to change, Mars for courage to strike a new path, Pluto to open to transformation, and Jupiter to embrace expansion.

Learn more about Cathryn Hunter

Contact Info
Cathryn Hunter
[email protected]
Los Angeles, CA, USA