Decoding Solar Returns – Cathryn Hunter

JKP_1281smThe collective’s New Year is an ideal time to discuss the Solar Return, or one’s personal New Year; the day the Sun returns to the original degree and minute of one’s birth. It can be the day before one’s birthday, the day of, or the day after. This is your true personal New Year. Liz Greene, Jungian Psychologist and Astrologer, refers to the Solar Return as a powerful energy impulse into our personal chart, “Today is the day of new beginnings, and the influences will be in effect for the entire year to come.” It is said that 88% if all New Year’s resolutions fail. From my perspective it is due to the fact that on this day, there is no particular individual solar support that impacts one’s particular chart (unless you are born January1). With that in mind, the most effective time to set intentions or make resolutions, would be on your birthday, the day of your Solar Return, your true New Year, when you have energetic assistance helping you co create your year ahead. So, every year, on or near your birthday, you experience a Solar Return, which activates a chart that holds influence for a year. Keep in mind, your SR chart will change by where you are geographically at that time; just as two people born at the same day and time, yet in different places, will have entirely different charts. I view the SR chart as a thread in your astrological tapestry. The foundational thread is the chart you were born with, which represents your patterns, talents, potentials. As time goes on the threads of the transits, progressions, eclipses, and planetary returns, are woven into your fabric. So although the SR is weighty, it is a part of the whole. While the influence of the SR is pivotal, one must be mindful of an attitude of reductionism, which is, isolating the power of the SR, and not honoring the entire astrological terrain. My position is one of inclusivity, that is, all astrological dynamics are factors in what unfolds in your year. Consider the image of a scale as our astrological terrain. Imagine the scale tipping to one side in challenging cycles. The SR can be a tool in bringing the scale back to balance, or even tip it to the positive side, giving welcomed support through these challenges. By traveling to a destination that is supportive astrologically for your SR birthday New Year, you utilize a tool that can contribute to a helpful influence for the year. Whether or not one stays home or takes a SR trip, the most successful Solar Returns are the ones where one is an active participant with the energy of the chart. It is said that there is relationship between inner and outer, what is “in here is out there”, in other words, within us we create our outer world. The SR is more than a symbol of planets arranged in certain order. To realize the potential of a SR, the goal should be work with its possibilities, and throughout the year consistently attune to the energy and give attention to the opportunity reflected by the chart of the Solar Return; in doing so work toward, realize, and create the goal in your outer world. Consider the Solar Return a planetary MAP that when one participates, takes the road created, increases the power of the return. soldes coque iphone Solar Return trips are not for magical thinkers or those looking for an easy way to reach a certain end. coque iphone pas cher For instance, no Solar Return will improve one’s health if one doesn’t follow through with good health habits. coque iphone en ligne No Solar Return will offset one’s negative patterns and self defeating ways which operate to hold one back. No Solar Return will function against the themes in the natal chart. coque iphone xs max For instance, if a natal chart does not hold the promise of fame, no Solar Return will be able to deliver that. Those of us who do SR will still experience the challenges of life. In my regular sessions, based on where you tell me you were at that time, I will comment on your SR, along with other astrological factors, as a part of your session. coque iphone Additionally, I have clients who ask me to find a birthday SR destination ahead of time, which creates a supportive SR chart for the upcoming year. (This is separate from regular sessions.) If one cannot travel for ones SR, one should always be mindful of the time of your Solar Return. coque iphone 2019 pas cher In my Yearly Forecast Sessions, whether or not you ask me to find a Solar Return destination for you, I will always give you your Solar Return day and time for the place you plan to be. This time is wisely used in the same rituals that are regularly performed at the collective New Year, that is, meditation, journaling, goal setting, and visualizing what you desire to accomplish.