Spirit Recovery is about recovering our authenticity, our natural condition as joyful human beings. To do this Spirit Recovery has created programs, journeys and events that promote expansion beyond the limitations of your beliefs, to get back to yourself as you were before the programming — a spiritual being who is free to love, free to live, free to be happy. Spirit Recovery was born out of a a desire to create a non-denominational program for the growing numbers of people who are seeking to recover and increase their spiritual consciousness. We designed our programs so people can reclaim their authentic state as spiritual beings — like becoming children again, loving life completely and fully, while maintaining the wisdom of our adult experience. Living an authentic life. Being authentic is the natural condition of humans. coque iphone pas cher When we are authentic we express spontaneously with love and joy for life. soldes coque iphone As young children we started out connected to Nature, to Spirit to the wholeness of Life and felt free to express that connection. As we grew, we began to be programmed in order to fit into society’s beliefs. coque iphone xs max Some of these beliefs served us well, and many created conflict within ourselves. coque iphone 6 We learned to modify our behavior, to emulate what we thought we were supposed to be and not what we really were. outlet coque iphone We started self-judging and self-rejecting based on what we were taught and as a result, we lost our authentic selves. coque iphone 6 Lee McCormick is the founder of the Ranch Recovery Center in Nunnelly, Tennessee, and The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu, California. soldes coque iphone He is also cofounder of Nashville’s Integrative Life Center and IOP/PHP Community Recovery program in Nashville, Tennessee. Through the organization of Spirit Recovery, Inc., McCormick facilitates the production of healing and recovery conferences and spiritual journeys around the world. He is the executive producer of the documentary Dreaming Heaven, in which he plays a leading role.
Living Tea – A Space To Be Brewed
Living Tea embraces the aesthetic and spiritual harmony between nature and culture. coque iphone 6 By relating to tea as a Way or a Tao, we find principles derived from nature by which we guide our lives. coqueiphone In the high mountains and valleys of Yunnan, China and Taiwan, sunlight and shadow mark the circular passage of time amidst old-growth tea forests. coque iphone xs max Deep roots have anchored many of these ancient tea trees to their homes for hundreds of years. coque iphone pas cher Living Tea speaks to the profound healing and medicinal power of these ancient trees. We seek out leaves from old-growth trees that are seed-grown in their native environments free of any chemical fertilizers, pesticides or weed- killers. coque iphone xr We seek leaves that lend their quiet power to the craft and ritual of the tea ceremony. Within any tea ceremony, whether it be comprised of simple leaves in a bowl or antique teaware and formal practice, we find a space to commune with ourselves, one another and nature. coque iphone pas cher Within this space of presence, the lines between the three become hazy and we return to the simple joy of living. Living Tea is available throughout the Los Angeles area for private ceremonies and larger events. We make trips to Taiwan and China throughout the year to source the best tea and teaware we can find. coque iphone 8 We also work very closely with a dear friend and teamaster in Taiwan who helps guide the evolving collective of our tradition.
Mother (Meera) Let Your Love Light Shine
Mother Meera has been called the “embodiment of the Divine Feminine”. coque iphone 8 Her gift to the world — free transmission of Light, Love and Grace. During her travels around the globe, she gives her unique blessing of Darshan – known as the experience of receiving a vision, blessing or feeling of a Divine presence through meditation, prayer, deep aspiration, or sudden grace. coque iphone x Born in South India on December 26, 1960, she had her first Samadhi (a state of total spiritual absorption) by the age of 6 and continued on her path to help the world achieve enlightenment from that day forward. Meera does this by giving back to the world as a spiritual healer, saying: “I bring down the Light and establish Peace, also I help the people to surrender to the Divine, to remember the Divine and to be faithful and sincere to their religion or to their belief.” Her mission is to purify the consciousness of the earth so it can be ready for transformation, calling down to earth as much heavenly light as possible. So that “Divine Life and Will can become manifested on earth.” She receives no monetary payment for her services. coque iphone 7 She’s working on a deeper soul level. coque iphone x When asked about her purpose in life, she answered: “It is to help humans and to make them happy, peaceful, contented, harmonious, and loving. Happiness and spiritual growth are connected. coque iphone 7 Being peaceful and being happy form the most important foundation of spiritual practice.” Thousands flock to her to receive the Darshan. Visitors sit, meditate and pray until they are called on to meet with her one on one, where she will look deep into their eyes, hold their head for a bit (a technique referred to as Pranam) focus in on what ails them spiritually, then release them, their issues now blessed and corrected with permeating light. She says she is “looking into every corner of your being… everything within you to see where I can help, where I can give healing power… opening every part of yourself to the light.” During these Darshans, she examines the spiritual life lines that run vertically through each of us. These lines are where the ‘karmic knots’ can get tangled and problems arise in one’s life. She states: “It is very delicate work and great care has to be taken to undo the knots, as there is danger for your life if the thread is broken. When I hold your head I am untying these knots. I am also removing other kinds of obstacles to your sadhana (spiritual practice and self-discipline). When I touch your head, the Light moves upwards in the white line. It indicates, like a meter, the development of our sadhana.” She is described as a ‘realized human being’, meaning that in her time on earth she has connected with her greater purpose and the Divine spirit and Light. coque iphone x Her belief and life’s work fosters unity of all religions and her blessings are for all affiliations, stating: “For this I came – to open your hearts to the light.” Mother Meera is based out of Schaumburg, Germany but does tour other countries, as well.
David Carson – Healer, Author: Medicine Cards
David Carson was raised in Indian Country in Oklahoma. At an early age David was taught the ways and signs of animals by his Choctaw mother and aunts, Opal, Ruby, Agnes and Phoebe. After writing Medicine Cards, with Jamie Sams, David traveled extensively giving readings and seminars about the teaching power of animals. David’s other books include Crossing into Medicine Country, 2013 Oracle, Find Your Sprit Animal and others. coque iphone xr David Carson’s newest work is called The Golem of Taos (a truish tale), a social satire and hilarious murder mystery based in the culturally diverse town of Taos, New Mexico, available at sales@wolfchildpress.com and on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. coque iphone 2019 Click here to read an archived interview with David Carson. Discover the tool that millions of people worldwide are using for guidance, inspiration and help in finding answers to life’s question. coque iphone 8 This unique and powerful divination system draws upon ancient wisdom and tradition to teach the healing medicine of animals. coque iphone en ligne Medicine Cards found its way into the hearts and hands of many, guiding the way to healing the body, emotions, mind and spirit, and providing insight into and understanding of one’s unique purpose in life. coque iphone xs max Medicine Cards is a boxed set of 52 beautifully-rendered animal cards and accompanying book. Medicine Cards is an advanced tool for achieving personal growth and balanced living. coque iphone pas cher Learn the meaning of signs sent to us by animals in our daily lives. coque iphone 8 Learn how these signs are powerful and meaningful to our life situations.
Doreen Virtue – Angel Therapy
Angel Therapy is a non-denominational spiritual healing method that involves working with a person’s guardian angels and archangels, to heal and harmonize every aspect of life. coque iphone xr Angel Therapy also helps you to more clearly receive Divine Guidance from the Creator and angels. Everyone has guardian angels, and these angels perform God’s will of peace for us all. When we open ourselves to hear our angels’ messages, every aspect of our lives become more peaceful. Many of Doreen’s resources will provide you with more information on this subject, including her books Angel Therapy and Angel Medicine, and the Connecting with Your Angels Kit. coque iphone Since 1996, Doreen has taught thousands of people worldwide how to engage in Angel Therapy. outlet coque iphone Many of these students have become Angel Therapy Practitioners, who have private practices and give workshops on related topics. coque iphone 8 Angel Therapy brings people back on their spiritual path in a way that is non-threatening and non-judgmental. coque iphone Doreen has received thousands of unsolicited testimonials of how the angels have healed people’s bodies, mind, emotions, relationships, families, career and finances, and other life areas. Of course, Doreen gives all credit to God and the angels. Angel Therapy, Angel Therapy Practitioner, and Doreen Virtue are trademarked worldwide as registered terms Website: http://www.angeltherapy.com/ Doreen Virtue is a spiritual doctor of psychology and a fourth-generation metaphysician who works with the angelic, elemental, and ascended-master realms in her writings and workshops. Doreen is the author of more than 50 books about angels and other mind-body-spirit issues, including the best-selling Healing with the Angels and Messages from Your Angels books and angel oracle cards. Doreen, who holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology, was the founder and former director of WomanKind Psychiatric Hospital at Cumberland Hall Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee. She was also an administrator at Woodside Women’s Hospital in the San Francisco Bay Area. Both all-women psychiatric hospitals specialized in treating women’s psychological issues.
Vegan Plate – Famously Tasty Vegan Thai Food
“they” say, coque iphone xr A picture is worth a thousand words But the truth is that only ordering a big steaming bowl of our fantastic soup or noodles with fine tofu meat, coque iphone soldes can really tell you the full story about Vegan Plate. coque iphone pas cher At Vegan Plate there are no MSG,
Kathy Freston – The Lean
Kathy Freston is a New York Times best-selling author with a concentration on healthy living and conscious eating. Her books include Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change the World, Quantum Wellness: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to Health and Happiness, The Quantum Wellness Cleanse: The 21 Day Essential Guide to Healing Your Body, Mind, and Spirit, The One: Discovering the Secrets of Soul Mate Love and Expect a Miracle: 7 Spiritual Steps to Finding the Right Relationship. Her newest book is, THE LEAN: A Revolutionary (and Simple!) 30-Day Plan for Healthy, Lasting Weight Loss (Weinstein Books). Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Dean Ornish penned the introductions for two of her books and her work has garnered accolades from such respected names as Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Neal Barnard, Marianne Williamson and Dr. Deepak Chopra. coque iphone Freston promotes a body/mind/spirit approach to health and happiness that includes a concentration on healthy diet, emotional introspection, spiritual practice, and loving relationships, among other tenets. coque iphone Her work is focused on providing guidance for conscious and healthy living in our increasingly busy world. Freston continually cites the proven value of “leaning into” change and the benefits of “progress, not perfection.” FROM THE HUFFINGTON POST: “When people ask me why I’m vegan, I have to decide which reason to give them. There are so many, each seemingly more important than the other. First of all, animal agriculture disastrously effects the environment. soldes coque iphone 2019 A just released 400 page report by the Food and Agricultural Organization, entitled Livestock’s Long Shadow explains that “livestock are responsible for 18 percent of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming: more than cars, planes and all other forms of transport put together.” The fuel it takes to produce the fertilizer and feed, and then to transport the animals to slaughter and distribution produces 9 percent of all the emissions of carbon dioxide (the most common greenhouse gas). coque iphone pas cher In addition, the methane emitted by the cows makes up more than one third of the overall methane which warms the world 20 times faster than carbon dioxide. And to top it all off, nearly half of our precious water supply goes to these factory farms even as they dump their waste into our rivers and lakes. Livestock (which includes chickens and turkeys) also produces ammonia which causes acid rain. And of course all the pesticides, hormones, and the vast array of medicines used to treat these animals wind up polluting not only the meat and dairy consumer’s body, but also the water we drink and the ocean that is becoming deader by the day. And lest you think “free-range” is the solution, keep in mind that ranching is “the major driver of deforestation.” Yikes. coque iphone soldes Then there is the argument for health. coque iphone x Cornell University’s Dr. T. Colin Campbell, who is the former Senior Science Advisor to the American Institute for Cancer Research, says “The vast majority of all cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and other forms of degenerative illness can be prevented simply by adopting a plant-based diet. Apparently, there is something naturally occurring in animal flesh which inflames the body and turns on cancer. Organic or not, according to Dr. Campbell, it’s in the animal protein (dairy included). Read The China Study for more information; it is eye-opening in its scope of research and discovery. Finally, and most important to me, is that what happens to animals on the way to becoming our meal is so shockingly inhumane that it cannot be good for our soul to partake. Whether chicken, lamb, cow, or pig, these animals are raised in conditions that would likely horrify you if you saw it up close (if you still eat meat, please check out Alec Baldwin’s video at www.meat.org) . There is a reason that these factory farms and slaughterhouses (processing centers) are behind locked gates without public access. The animals are packed so tightly that they can hardly move; millions every year are driven crazy by their inability to turn around or even lie down. They are often boiled, scalded, dismembered, and skinned while still alive just so that production needs can be met. Their beaks are cut off, tails “docked,” and toes/claws removed – all without anesthesia – so that their desperate attempts at escape or survival are foiled. In one year, there is a 100 percent turnover of laborers in these animal factories; if the people who work there can’t even bear to stay there for more than a year, why in the world would anyone want to eat the product of what happens in one of these hellish places? If you’re eating meat, you’re supporting abuses that would warrant felony cruelty to animals charges if chickens and other farmed animals were protected by the same laws that protect dogs and cats. So when I sit down to a delicious meal of braised tofu and grilled vegetables, I feel good. I feel like I’m doing my part for the environment. I’m nourishing and protecting my body.