Mount Shasta, California

Mount Shasta located in Northern California is renowned for its spiritual and mystical qualities. It is a destination for mystics, gurus, sages and curious people from all over the world. Unexplained stories of miracles and spiritual occurrences are endless. This enormous mountain is endeared by all who come to visit or live near her. This dormant volcano is not part of any mountain range. She’s uniquely her own mountain in many ways. With a summit of 14,125 feet above sea level, Shasta is the second highest peak in the Cascade Mountain range. Her slopes rise abruptly nearly 10,000 feet above the surrounding landscape.

Those who live in Mount Shasta the small town located on the base of the mountain, will tell you stories of encounters with beings from other times, galaxies and planets. The most common encounters involve beings who do not currently have a human body, including Saint Germain, The White Brotherhood, Lemurians, the hidden city of Telos,and alien landings. But, by far they sense a certain special feeling that comes with being in the presence of Mt Shasta’s spiritual vortex energy. Our ancient ancestors knew a vortex or a gathering place of the earth’s energy was sacred. This special mountain has such a vortex. Ancient cultures considered these vortexes, portals to a higher dimension of consciousness.

If someone was near a vortex it activated and energized their etheric or energetic bodies making it possible for some to become aware of what mystics have discovered…our existence is multi-dimensional. Mount Shasta as well as Sedona, Arizona contain vortexes the average person is able to feel and sense.

Poet Joaquin Miller describes Shasta like this, “Lonely as God, and white as a winter moon, Mount Shasta starts up sudden and solitary from the heart of the great black forests of Northern California.” Native American Indians in the area profess that the mountain is the home of the spirit chief Skell who descended from heaven to the mountain’s summit.

There are many places to explore, places to stay, and services offering spiritual insights into Mt Shasta. The town of Mt Shasta is the base for most explorations. Enjoy this wonderful mystical mountain so close to Los Angeles.

Sally Kempton – Yoga Teacher, Meditation

Sally KemptonSally Kempton is one of today’s most authentic spiritual teachers. She teaches devotional contemplative tantra—an approach to practice that creates a fusion of knowing and loving. Known for her ability to transmit inner experience through transformative practices and contemplation, Sally has been practicing and teaching for forty years.

A disciple of the great Indian guru Swami Muktananda, she spent twenty years as a teaching swami (monk) in the Saraswati order of Indian monks. In her guru’s ashram, she received a traditional training in yoga philosophy and practice, and became a popular teacher, deeply versed in the teachings and practices of Vedanta and Kashmir Shaivism.

In 2002, Sally began teaching independently. She now offers heart-to-heart transmission in meditation and life practice through her Awakened Heart Tantra workshops, teleclasses, retreats, and trainings in applied spiritual philosophy. Her workshops and teleconference courses integrate the wisdom of traditional yoga tantra with the insights of contemporary evolutionary spirituality and cutting-edge psychology.

Sally is the author of Meditation for the Love of It, a groundbreaking book on meditation, which Spirituality & Health called “the meditation book your heart wants you to read.” She writes a regular column, Wisdom, for Yoga Journal. She offers monthly teleclasses in meditation, and an ongoing teleconference series called the Transformative Practice Journey, which unfolds different aspects of awakening practice. She is one of a select group of teachers in Ken Wilber’s Integral Spiritual Center, and teaches regularly at conferences, and at Kripalu and Esalen.

“I often recommend Sally Kempton to my own meditation students as a realized guide on the path of awakening. We are all blessed to have her and her genuine tantric lineage and teaching transmission in our lifetime.”
– Lama Surya Das, Buddhist teacher and author of Awakening the Buddha Within

“Sally Kempton is the real thing.”
–Ken Wilber

Nicky Myers – Yoga Teacher – Recovery

Nikki MyersThe 12-step recovery model, created in 1939, is the most well-known and pervasive addiction/recovery program in the world with millions of practitioners internationally. In a word, the characteristics and effects of addiction could easily be described as separation. Addictive behaviors separate and disconnect us from ourselves, our loved ones, our environment and so much more. Conversely, yoga itself means union, integration, balance. Yoga and its practices teach the fine art of balancing our multidimensional lives while living in a complex world. The 12-step program approaches addiction at a cognitive level, yoga includes a somatic approach. The combining of the two creates a model that truly addresses addiction as the physical, mental and spiritual disease that it is. Y12SR recognizes that yoga and its practices are a part of a holistic recovery program and rather than a replacement, it provides adjunct tools to address the physical, mental and spiritual disease of addiction.


Andrey Lappa – Yoga Teacher

Andrey LappaAndrey Lappa is one of the most qualified and influential masters and professional teachers of yoga in the all ex-soviet territory. All his life he traveled and lived a long time in eastern countries: Mongolia, India, Nepal, Burjatia, Siberia and others, where he developed skills with world known teachers, as well as learned from concealed from general attention but unusually vigorous ezotheric-practitioners. His books: “Dynamic practices in classical yoga” and “Yoga: Tradition of Unification” become best sellers in 1999-2000 in ex-soviet countries. Andrey is also a good computer programmer and he has designed programs for teaching yoga which have proven to be very useful for his many students.


Sean Johnson – Yoga

seanjohnsonSean Johnson – Founder of Wild Lotus Yoga, and Soul School: Wild Lotus’ Interdisciplinary Yoga and Spirituality Training Program

Sean is a proud native of New Orleans. He has been teaching yoga in New Orleans since 1999 and opened Wild Lotus in 2002. He shares an integrative teaching style that weaves the emotional power of bhakti yoga with the sensuality of hatha yoga to free the spirit and bring more love, creativity, and depth to our lives. His classes focus on opening the heart through creative vinyasa flows, chanting, storytelling, mythology, poetry, and enchanting music.

Sean’s unique yoga education began with intensive, experiential, interdisciplinary study of yoga and related spiritual traditions in college and in graduate school. He received a Master’s Degree in Creation Spirituality from The Naropa Institute where he apprenticed with South Indian teacher and yogi-musician Russill Paul. Sean is also gratefully inspired by his friendships and study with many heart-centered yoga teachers including his college mentor and first yoga teacher Doranne Crable; Dana Flynn and Jasmine Tarkeshi founders of Laughing Lotus Yoga; holistic yoga teacher Saul David Raye; kirtan singer Jai Uttal; and Soul School collaborator Mitchel Bleier.

Sean was named one of New Orleans’ outstanding achievers in Gambit Weekly’s 40 Under 40. He is the first Louisiana-based yoga teacher to teach at Yoga Journal’s Conferences and also teaches at other yoga conferences and festivals internationally.

Sean and The Wild Lotus Band are celebrated as one of the guiding voices in Western kirtan music, and tour internationally. To find out more about their music visit He is also the co-curator of Putumayo Yoga World Music’s yoga releases and a contributing writer to Yoga Journal.

“My intention is for Wild Lotus to be a warm and welcoming place where you can come and reconnect with the authenticity, wisdom and creativity of your own soul.”


Tim Miller – Yoga Teacher – Ashtanga

tim-padmasanaThe practice of Ashtanga Yoga is an ancient and powerful discipline for cultivating physical, mental and spiritual health. Progressive techniques of breath, posture and movement, cleanse, stretch and strengthen the body as well as focus and calm the mind. A deeper experience of the self becomes possible through consistent practice.

Tim Miller has been studying and teaching Ashtanga Yoga for over thirty years and was the first American certified to teach by Pattabhi Jois at the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore, India. Tim has a thorough knowledge of this ancient system, which he imparts in a dynamic, yet compassionate and playful manner. “My goal as a teacher is to inspire a passion for practice. The practice itself, done consistently and accurately, is the real teacher.” Tim teaches workshops and retreats throughout the United States and abroad.


Joey Soto – Yoga – Hatha

joey 1-Ms. Joey Soto is a yoga teacher who specializes in teaching meditation and vinyasa yoga to beginner and intermediate level students. She has practiced and taught yoga around the world and brings her expertise to private and public classes throughout southern California.

Training corporate executives, attorneys, parents, pregnant women, and teens, her clients have said that they enjoy the emphasis on alignment, breath and meditation she brings to her classes. She is a published author, a Manduka Ambassador and donates yoga sessions to support important causes, including ThirstProject, NextAid, and Cancer Support Community. In addition to teaching yoga, Joey has been a leader in environmental issues over the last decade through her work as a water resources consultant and community philanthropist.

Joey is a 500-hr National Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Instructor, CPR/AED Certified for Infant, Child, and Adult, holds a M.S. in Environmental Policy and Planning from California State University, Fullerton and B.A. in Environmental Studies from University of California, Santa Barbara.

Learn more about Ms. Soto on her website, or contact her at:”

“You must be the change you wish to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi