Miller’s Organic Farm
Welcome to the “Private Club Membership”
Back in the year of 2000, farmer Amos Miller and his dad attended a conference where Sally Fallon, president of “Weston A Price Foundation”, gave an excellent speech on the importance of eating healthy food which was the start of where we are today. We enjoy good ol’ farming the natural way.
Shipping – Here at the Miller Farm we are equipped to successfully ship perishable commodities using Fed Ex. However, keep in mind that Fed Ex will not guarantee compensation of perishable items in the event that spoilage should occur during transit because of delays. Because of this, we like to allow an extra day for delivery to avoid having your order being stuck at a Fed Ex terminal on the weekend, thus we try to ship most orders at the beginning of the week, using insulated boxes with ice packs accordingly. It’s nice if you can place your order one day before you expect us to ship to avoid a “rush order fee”, this also allows us better management of fresh dairy and meats availability. We hope you, as a member of the private club, can enjoy our large selection of fresh, raw dairy, meats, fermented veggies, breads, treats and beverages.
Terms and Conditions – As a new potential customer, we will need you to sign a Private Membership Contract and pay a $35.00 membership fee mailed to the farm. We then call you to welcome you to the private club and at that time we can take your first food order. Fed Ex orders are shipped with an invoice inside the box as we don’t take credit cards, but we do ask that you mail us the payment which is due upon receipt.
We remain focused on building healthy soil to provide healthy livestock which in return can maintain healthy diets for humans. That is why we believe in farming without using any hormone enhancers, pesticides and/or chemicals. All our products are produced with a down-to-earth natural approach and are antibiotic-free, GMO-free and soy-free.
Cows and Beef – The cows dairy is raw and from mostly Jersey cows that are fed no grain, strictly grass and hay fed, as well as a free choice smorgasbord of minerals to maintain a healthy balanced diet. We are in the process of slowly converting our herds to the better heritage A-2 breed which confirms the protein level in the raw milk. We have several other local farmers helping us supply the demand of fresh cow milk and cream of which we all share the same conscientious grain-free down-to-earth standards. The beef cattle too are strictly grain-free, mostly Red Devon and Angus crossbreeds. We now carry beef hotdogs, beef bologna, beef glands and beef jerky.
Goats and Sheep – All of our goat and sheep dairy and cheeses are raw and mostly grass-fed. We don’t have our own goat and sheep dairy on our farm but the farms that help us out are local and practice the same natural farming methods. The same goes with our lamb and mutton.
Camels – Yes, we are milking our own camels and providing raw milk as a valuable natural medicine for autism, diabetes, intestinal health and immunity.
Poultry – consists of chicken, turkey, smoked turkey, duck and goose. We are happy to say we can provide all our poultry as free-range, GMO-free, soy-free and during the warm summer months also insects which is a great source of protein for any poultry as they scratch and peck in the pastures of their natural habitat. We only have soy-free chicken and duck eggs.
Pork – Our hogs are fed a mostly milk-based ration of whey from cheese making, and oats soaked in skim milk and a bit of GMO-free corn. Some folks say our hogs eat a “cleaner” diet than most Americans! :) The hams and bacons are cured, salted, and smoked without adding any sweeteners.
Veal – We try to keep veal in stock, but the cost of growing a fat veal is quite expensive due to the amount of milk they consume, therefore we might be out of stock at times and may substitute for beef unless you specify “no substitution”.
Seafood – Coming from Alaska we carry wild salmon and Icelandic haddock.
Bone Broth – We boil the bones and some meat for 24 to 36 hours depending on the size of the bone and carry the following broths in pint and quart size: beef, chicken, turkey, fish, pork, lamb and veal. The broths contain natural gelatin which is a rich source of glycine (an amino acid which aids digestion and improves protein assimilation), also natural antibiotics, peptides and important minerals for bones and teeth.
Fermented Veggies – Most of the produce is grown locally here in Lancaster County, PA and always chemical-free, processed here on the Miller farm. We always use only Celtic Sea Salt and only use the apple cider vinegar. Fermented veggies are excellent for digestive health of the entire meal.
Bakery – We bake bread with sourdough and soaked grains and also have sprouted spelt bread available. The muffins are gluten-free and also baked here at our farm as well as sprouted grain shoo-fly pie, angel food cake and gluten-free coconut cookies. We have spelt noodles and soaked spelt noodles.
Treats – Try these delicious items such as sweet potato chips and the Amos brand potato chips made from our own pork lard and local chemical-free potatoes. We also have a local cheaper Zerbe brand chips made with conventional lard and potatoes. Egg custard, ghee, mayonnaise, honey mustard, salsa, pumpkin and zucchini bread are more of the items that we prepare here at the Miller farm.
Drinks – Taste our healthy beverages: cabbage juice, kimchee juice, daikon radish juice, apple cider, grape juice, lemonade, ginger ale, kombucha, cranberry kombucha, and beet kvass. Sourdough kvass comes from Canada.
Crispy Nuts – The nuts are prepared as recommended by the Weston A Price Foundation for better digestion. We buy all the nuts raw and then soak them 12 hours to remove phytates and enzyme inhibitors. We are not always able to buy domestic raw nut, therefore we do use imported raw nuts for the cashews, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts and macadamia nuts. The almond butter and cashew butter is also made locally with soaked nuts. The soaked granola cereal has raisins and almonds.
Healthy Oils – The Olive oil comes from the Chaffin Family Orchard and their century old olive trees. The cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil comes from the Philippines. We carry the full line of Green Pasture supplements such as coconut ghee, cod liver oil, butter oil and skate liver oil.
Sweeteners – The maple syrup comes from Vermont and processed with natural procedures. Raw honey is collected locally and we also carry the brand Really Raw Honey from Maryland.
We hope you will find this information helpful and look forward to providing you with good healthy nutritious food. We also welcome you to visit the farm when you are in the area, and trust you will call us at (717) 556-0672 with any further questions or when you want to place an order.
Product Ingredients
Apple Butter – Apples, rapadura, maple syrup, cinnamon, nutmeg
Applesauce – Apples
Kombucha – Water, raw sugar, organic black tea, kombucha mushroom
Beet Kvass – Beets, water, whey, celtic sea salt
Pickled Beets – Red beets, beet juice, vinegar, stevia, sea salt
Fermented Beets – Red beets, whey, celtic sea salt, beet juice
Fermented Bread & Butter Pickles – Organic cucumbers, organic onions, lemon juice, whey, raw honey, celtic sea salt, celery seeds, tumeric, mustard seeds
Fermented Dill Pickles – Organic cucumbers, dill, onion, celery seed, mustard seed, Celtic sea salt, whey
Fermented Pickle Relish – Pickles, Celtic Sea salt, whey, onions, dill seed
Fermented Daikon Radish – Daikon radish, whey, celtic sea salt
Zucchini Relish – Zucchini, onion, green & red peppers, vinegar, honey, celtic sea salt, celery seed, tumeric, black pepper
Garlic Dill Pickles – Pickles, vinegar, Celtic sea salt, stevia, water, dill, garlic, tumeric
Pickled Okra – Okra, vinegar, salt, stevia, water, dill, garlic, tumeric
Fmtd. Kimchee – Chinese cabbage, onions, carrots, daikon radish, garlic, ginger, red pepper flakes, celtic sea salt, whey
Fermented Sauerkraut – Cabbage, celtic sea salt
Fermented Vegetable Chow-Chow – Cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, onions, peppers, celtic sea salt, celery seeds, tumeric, whey
Fermented Veggie Mix – Green tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, hot peppers, vinegar, water, celtic sea salt
Organic Horseradish – Horseradish roots, vinegar, celtic sea salt
Ghee – Clarified butter
Fermented Ketchup – Organic tomatoes, whey, garlic, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, fish sauce, celtic sea salt
Fermented Ketchup (Amos Brand) – Tomatoes, vinegar, homemade paste, fish sauce, maple syrup, whey, red peppers, celtic sea salt
Fermented Salsa – Tomatoes, peppers, onions, celtic sea salt, whey, garlic
Fermented HOT Salsa – Tomatoes, hot pepper, onions, celtic sea salt, whey, garlic, cayenne pepper
Honey Mustard – White vinegar, dry mustard, eggs, honey, rapadura
Mayonnaise – Water, onion powder, garlic powder, mustard powder, paprika, egg yokes, sesame oil, coconut oil, olive oil, stevia, vinegar, starch, celtic sea salt
Fermented Ginger-ale – Grated ginger, fresh lime juice, rapadura, whey, celtic sea salt, water
Fermented Lemonade – Water, fresh pressed lemon juice, rapadura, whey, nutmeg
Nut Trail Mix – Crispy almonds, pecans, walnuts, raisins, cashew pieces
Nut Seasoned Mix – Crispy almonds, pecans, walnuts, cashew pieces, organic butter, raw honey, natural seasonings, MSG and soyfree
Sweet & Spicy Nut Mix – Egg whites, rapadura, cinnamon, ginger, all spice, celtic sea salt
Homemade Granola w/ Raisins – Oats, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, coconut butter, butter, raisins, honey, celtic sea salt, cinnamon
Granola Bars – Oats, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, coconut butter, butter, raisins, honey, maple syrup, rice syrup, peanut butter, celtic sea salt, cinnamon
Noodles – Spelt flour, eggs
Noodles Soaked – Sprouted spelt flour, eggs
Bologna, sliced – 75% beef, 25% pork, honey, sucanat, red pepper, black pepper, celtic sea salt, natural smoke
Hot Dog – 75% beef, 25% pork, rapadura, celtic sea salt, dry smoke powder, California spice, phosphate, black pepper
Beef Jerky – Beef, black pepper, celtic sea salt, chili powder, onion powder
Scrapple – Pork broth, pork meat, spelt flour, celtic sea salt, pepper
Pork Sausage – Pork casing, salt, black pepper, sage
Pork Liverwurst – Pork organs, pork broth, black pepper, celtic sea salt
Turkey Scrapple – Corn meal, whole wheat meal, organic quick oats, salt, parsley flakes, black pepper, red pepper
Turkey Sausage – Turkey sausage, salt, black pepper, sage
Raw Chicken Salad – Cubed chicken, whey, lemon juice, tomato, avocado, onion, basil, vinegar, cream, honey, olive oil, green pepper, cilantro
Chicken Pie – Soy free Chicken, chicken broth, lard, butter, unbleached unenriched organic wheat flour, potatoes, peas, onions, carrots, celery, celtic sea salt, pepper, celery salt, seasoned salt, MSG free
Chicken Liver Soup – Soy free Chicken broth, soaked brown rice, celery, carrots, soy free chicken, soy free chicken liver, brewers yeast, basil leaves, celtic sea salt
MUFFINS – Gluten-free
Coconut – Organic grass-fed raw butter, organic eggs, sucanet, celtic sea salt, coconut extract, coconut flour, baking powder, organic coconut
Lemon-Poppy Seed – Organic eggs, organic grass-fed raw butter, raw milk, raw honey, coconut flour, lemon extract, organic poppy
seeds, baking powder, celtic sea salt
Vanilla-Pecan – Organic eggs, organic grass-fed raw butter, raw milk, raw honey, coconut flour, vanilla extract, baking powder, pecans, celtic sea salt
Blueberry – Organic eggs, organic grass-fed raw butter, raw milk, raw honey, coconut flour ,almond extract, baking powder, sea salt, blueberries
Cinnamon Raisin – Organic fresh ground whole wheat flour, organic unenriched unbleached wheat, raw honey, lard, organic raisins, celtic sea salt, raw vinegar, yeast, cinnamon
Zucchini – Organic unenriched unbleached wheat flour, honey, rapadura, olive oil, eggs, water, zucchini, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, cloves, celtic sea salt
Pumpkin – Organic unenriched unbleached wheat flour, raw honey, rapadura, olive oil, eggs, water, pumpkin, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, cloves, celtic sea saltSpelt – Organic fresh ground spelt flour, unbleached unenriched organic wheat flour, ground flax seed, raw honey, pure lard, raw vinegar, celtic sea salt, yeast, water,
Sprouted Spelt – Sprouted grain spelt flour, water, raw honey, olive oil, eggs, celtic sea salt, vinegar, yeast
7-Grain – Rye, hard white wheat, hard red wheat, pearl barley, brown rice, spelt, millet, unbleached unenriched wheat flour, raw honey, celtic sea salt
Sourdough Wheat – Organic fresh ground wheat flour, unenriched unbleached wheat flour, water, honey, celtic sea salt
Soaked Wheat – Ground wheat flour, unenriched wheat flour, water, honey, lard, yeast, celtic sea salt, vinegar
Sourdough Rye – Fresh ground rye flour, unbleached unenriched organic wheat flour, water, honey, celtic sea salt
Angel Food Cake – Egg whites, unenriched unbleached white flour, raw honey, cream of tartar, vanilla extract, celtic sea salt
Shoofly Pie – Crust: Sprouted grain spelt flour, lard, celtic sea salt, water, baking powder
Filling: Baking molasses, rice syrup, rapadura, water, baking soda, eggs, sprouted spelt flour, lard
Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies (Gluten-free) – Butter, eggs, coconut, coconut flour, gluten-free chocolate chips, raw honey, rapadura, vanilla, celtic sea salt
Strawberry – Strawberries, cream, milk, celtic sea salt, egg yolks, raw honey
Butter Pecan – Butter, pecans, cream, milk, celtic sea salt, egg yolks, raw honey
Chocolate – 100% plantation chocolate, cream, milk, celtic sea salt, egg yolks, raw honey
Vanilla – Rum, vanilla beans, arrowroot, butter, cream, milk, celtic sea salt, egg yolks, raw honey
Raspberry – Raspberries, lemon juice, cream, milk, celtic sea salt, egg yolks, raw honey
Mint – Peppermint flavoring, cream, milk, celtic sea salt, egg yolks, raw honey
Chocolate Peanut Butter – Organic peanut butter, butter, cocoa powder, cream, milk, celtic sea salt, egg yolks, raw honey
Ginger – Fresh ginger root, ginger pieces, cream, milk, celtic sea salt, egg yolks, raw honey
Garlic Spread – Chopped garlic scapes, crushed walnuts, mozzarella cheese, olive oil, celtic sea salt
Raw Cheese Spread – cream, butter, sour cream, milk, baking soda, celtic sea salt
Eggnog – Milk, cream, eggs, raw honey, nutmeg, cinnamon
Egg Custard – Soy-free eggs, milk, maple syrup, stevia, sea salt, vanilla extract, cinnamon
Sour Cream – Raw cream with a powdered culture added
Crème Fraiche – Is a European name for sour cream and uses cultured buttermilk
Cream Cheese – Cream, rennet, water
Goat Milk Soap (unscented)– Olive oil, coconut oil, safflower oil, palm oil, beeswax, wheat germ, grape seed, honey, borax, glycerin, grapefruit seed extract
Thank you for your support here at Miller Organic Farm.