Bahá’í Faith – The Oneness of Religion

The principle of the unity of religion is at the center of Baha’i teachings. Bahá’u’lláh states that humanity is engaged in a collective growth process quite similar to the growth process of an individual: just as a person begins life as a helpless infant and attains maturity in successive stages, so humankind began its collective social life in a primitive state, gradually attaining maturity. In the case of the individual, it is clear that his or her development takes place as a result of the education he or she receives from parents, teachers, and society in general.

But what is the motive force in humankind’s collective evolution? The answer the Bahá’í Faith provides to this question is “revealed religion.” In one of His major works, the Kitab-i-Iqan (the Book of Certitude), Bahá’u’lláh explained that God, the Creator, has intervened and will continue to intervene in human history by means of chosen Messengers. These Messengers, Whom Bahá’u’lláh called “Manifestations of God ,” are principally the Founders of the major revealed religions, such as Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Jesus, Muhammad, and so forth. It is the spirit released by the coming of these Manifestations, together with the influence of Their teachings and the social systems established by Their laws and precepts, that enable humankind to progress in its collective evolution. Simply put: the Manifestations of God are the chief educators of humanity. Thus the principle of the unity of religion means that all of the great religious Founders—the Manifestations—have come from God, and that all of the religious systems established by Them are part of a single divine plan directed by God.

In reality, there is only one religion, the religion of God. This one religion is continually evolving, and each particular religious system represents a stage in the evolution of the whole.

For more information:

“The fundamental principle enunciated by Bahá’u’lláh, the followers of His Faith firmly believe, is that Religious truth is not absolute but relative, that Divine Revelation is a continuous and progressive process, that all the great religions of the world are divine in origin, that their basic principles are in complete harmony, that their aims and purposes are one and the same, that their teachings are but facets of one truth, that their functions are complementary, that they differ only in the non-essential aspects of their doctrines and that their missions represent successive stages in the spiritual evolution of human society.” — Shoghi Effendi

Modern Man in Search of a Soul

Modern Man in Search of a Soul
by C.G. Jung

Considered by many to be one of the most important books in the field of psychology, Modern Man in Search of a Soul is a comprehensive introduction to the thought of Carl Gustav Jung. In this book, Jung examines some of the most contested and crucial areas in the field of analytical psychology, including dream analysis, the primitive unconscious, and the relationship between psychology and religion. Additionally, Jung looks at the differences between his theories and those of Sigmund Freud, providing a valuable basis for anyone interested in the fundamentals of psychoanalysis.

Rudolf Steiner – Reference Site Links

About Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner made substantial contributions in numerous practical fields, in addition to being the most significant occultist to come forward in the last century. The complete edition of his published works numbers over 330 volumes (with surprisingly little repetition) making him among the most prolific authors of all time, though it was with the help of a number of stenographers. The links on the right explore Rudolf Steiner’s contributions in various areas.

Rudolf Steiner’s Complete Works

Browse the most comprehensive  index to Rudolf Steiner’s work in English or German on the Internet. Painstakingly compiled and cross-indexed, this searchable database allows you to find the English publishing history of any German volume. It also contains links to most of the texts by Steiner available on the Internet in English.


Rudolf Steiner’s Biography

Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy

Rudolf Steiner’s Epistemology

Rudolf Steiner and the Anthroposophical Society

Rudolf Steiner and Waldorf Education

Rudolf Steiner and Biodynamic Agriculture

Rudolf Steiner and Religion

Rudolf Steiner and Science

Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophically Extended Medicine

Rudolf Steiner and Eurythmy

Rudolf Steiner and Economics

Rudolf Steiner and Art

Rudolf Steiner’s Architecture

Rudolf Steiner’s Drama

Speech Therapy

Rudolf Steiner and Politics

Rudolf Steiner and Anthroposophists

Contemporaries of Rudolf Steiner

Early Followers of Rudolf Steiner

Image Galleries pertaining to Rudolf Steiner

Controversy & Criticism of Rudolf Steiner


Michel Gellert – Jungian Analyst

Michel GellertMichael Gellert is a Jungian analyst practicing in Los Angeles and Pasadena, California. He treats individuals and couples and offers a psychotherapy group and a writing workshop. He was formerly Director of Training at the C. G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, where he is currently a research instructor. He has also been a humanities professor at Vanier College, Montreal, and a lecturer in religious studies at Hunter College of the City University of New York. Prior to living in Los Angeles he lived in New York City, where he supervised District Council 37’s Personal Service Unit Outreach Program, an employee assistance program for employees of the City of New York.

Over the years he has served as a mental health consultant to various organizations, including the University of Southern California and Time magazine. Michael was born and raised in Montreal. He was educated in rabbinic Judaism, traveled overland from Europe to India at age 19, studied theology at Loyola College in Montreal, and trained with the renowned Zen master Koun Yamada in Japan for two years. He has master’s degrees in religious studies and social work, and studied with Marshall McLuhan at the University of Toronto.

The author of Modern Mysticism, The Fate of America, and The Way of the Small, he lectures widely on psychology, religion, and contemporary culture.


Spirituality Welcome

Essentials of Religion

It is a real delight to invite all of you who are interested in the higher values that
are common to all religions such as love of the divine, devotion to truth, and
concern for human welfare, to give some attention every day to this new website
which responds to our deeper longing and our higher purpose.

In the various religions and wisdom traditions there are some values which are
perennial, neither outmoded by time, nor provincial appeal. These may be called
the essentials of the faiths.

Whenever religion has not stood the test of time, is of questionable value, or lacks
universality, it may be omitted from the category of religious essentials.
The great teachers tell us that the highest of these values stands for the element of
pure transcendence. It is the unfathomable mystery of existence. Words cannot
describe it. Thoughts cannot reach it. The creeds of religion and the categories of
philosophy are cried to halt in its august presence. Beyond all names and forms,
quantity and quality, it is the ultimate grounds of all existence.
All the multitudinous things in the world emerge from it, abide in it, and in the
words of a Greek poet, quoted by the apostle Paul, “live, move, and have their
being in it.”

It is the transcendence that man seeks as the infinite, eternal, absolute reality.
His consciousness requires that he exceed himself, that he reach out for something
higher and nobler and greater than himself. The desire to be united with God is
the very essence of his being.

To find this absolute however, we must start from where we are now. No one else
can make this journey for us. Our provisions for this pilgrimage are in our own
nature with its present admixture of strengths and weaknesses, its lower motives
and its higher aspirations. From this base we must launch our quest for the perfect
and the divine.

We must make our first quest in ourselves before we can mount from it to our
final victory of spiritual liberation. We welcome you to join us in this noble
adventure. Perhaps together, through the inspiration and revelation of this website
we can increase our growth, deepen our understanding, and have much more to
share with others, which is why we’re here.

So, in looking for the essentials of religion and spiritual development, we should
also look at the essentials of becoming human. To uncover the treasures of the
infinite we must not only look within ourselves, but in what is most suited to us as

We can begin with what we master, acquire, or experience most readily before we
can mount from it to our final victory of spiritual liberation, and proceed from that
to greater victories, wider insights, deeper visions. Thus more and more we open
ourselves unreservedly to the higher light which is the truth of existence. This
process follows different steps in various religions.

Some call for elaborate disciplines and prescribed steps taken one by one.
In Christianity, it’s simply called “Growing in Grace”.
In our next article, we will review the ways by which this growth is fostered by
different, authentic, spiritual, and cultural systems.
We can do this individually and together. Meanwhile may the light of truth shine
upon our hearts in the constant aspiration which Aurobindo says “Calls from
below, and a supreme grace from above that answers.”

~Obadiah Harris

Spirituality Introduction

The essence and foundation of every religion in the history of the world is a spiritual impulse, a seeking, a yearning a desire to know a Supreme Being as expressed through the experiences and teachings of their masters and prophets. If you have such a desire, The Life Site is an excellent resource for a variety of information on religion, spirituality, angels, miracles, messengers and more. While religious institutions provide a framework for these impulses, they often fall prey to what Max Weber called “The routinization of charisma”, the adherence to ritual and doctrine devoid of its original spirit and intent.

Spiritual pursuits offer insights and experiential pathways to self discovery, transcendence and connection to the divine. It is a call to all who believe to go beyond structure and tradition and probe into the inner depths, the spiritual core of their faith, a common ground for all and a place for all to rejoice. The Life Site is honored to present a wide range of spiritual writers, thinkers, and resources for you to explore, and hopefully discover that which you seek.

Angels and miracles appear in ever religious tradition in the world, stories of visitations, healing, inspiration and guidance. Are they metaphorical, symbolic allegories to inspire the faithful, or are they real, proving the existence of life after death, or other dimensions of reality? Whole Universe endeavors not to take any position on this topic, but rather to present to our visitors stories of encounters, real experiences of real people and how they have experienced something extraordinary. We will also present to you many examples of angelic literature, from religious, spiritual, esoteric and literary traditions. We are all searching for miracles, may them come to you as you seek them, and with best wishes, here are our stories