Nirmala Heriza

“Health is your birthright. Not Disease”. –H.H. Sri Swami Satchidananda

Dr.Yoga – The Medical Benefits of Yoga (Nautilus Literary Award recipient).  Foreward: Dean Ornish, M.D.   (a PenquinTarcher imprint)

Nirmala Heriza, B.A, CYT, Certified Yoga  Acupressure and Myofascial Therapist, CMFT   is a highly sought after speaker and media consultant  in her expertise, recently featured on Celebrity Hosts Ed and Deb  Shapiro’s Radio Show “Be the Change” in a joint interview with Bestselling Author, Dean Ornish for Celebrity Radio Blog VividLife that also features other experts, and lumineres such as Jane Fonda and Robert Thurman.

Nirmala Heriza created the Yoga Cardiac Program a clinical adaptation of the traditional Integral Yoga Teachings of Sri Swami Satchidananda for Cedars Sinai Medical Center, a pioneer in Integrative Medicine, and has served as their Yoga Cardiac Specialist for over 15 years.  She is currently a referring therapist for Physicians on their medical faculty as well as for Dr. Dean Ornish and the Santa Monica Premier Oncology Foundation.  She is President of the Integral Yoga Center of Los Angeles; Founder/Director of the Dr Yoga Health and Wellness Center in Santa Monica where she conducts a private therapy practice, and Chairman/coPresident of the United Council on Yoga a co-partner of the President’s Challenge for the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports and Nutrition, recently updated by First Lady Michelle Obama to focus attention on Obesity and inactivity, risk factors for Diabetes and heart disease.

Her book, “Dr. Yoga”, is currently in preparation for its second edition. Nirmala Heriza received Sannayas Initiation from her world renowned and respected Guru H.H. Sri Swami Satchidananda and served as a formal Yoga Monastic  for 11 years.

Integral Yoga Center of Los Angeles: