Cathryn Hunter – Astrologer

JKP_1281smI became fascinated with Astrology as a teenager. As I began to learn about the traits of the individual Sun signs, I discovered how aligned I was with a sign other than my own. This aroused my curiosity, and shortly thereafter, I had my personal chart calculated. I was stunned to learn that the sign to which I had intuitively felt so closely linked, was the sign of my Ascendant and Moon. This was the beginning of my astrological journey, and I quickly became a dedicated student of the art.

Initially I did charts for family, friends, and absolutely anyone who was interested, without charge, as a tool to develop my skill. At the same time, I devoted myself to course study, workshops, and endless research. I lived the language of Astrology. I began to develop a clientele as a professional astrologer, eventually leaving my executive position to follow my heart’s work. My personal journey to understand the language of Astrology, and to decode its symbols, planets and patterns, has been very meaningful. For those less familiar with the language of Astrology, my gift to share is my ability to translate these symbols and archetypes into information which can be helpful. Astrology’s symbolic language has many powerful and useful insights to offer into one’s personal gifts, challenges, resources, and patterns.

In addition to my Jungian studies, my work is greatly informed by my primary spiritual teacher, William Brugh Joy, M.D., whose brilliant and gifted understanding of human patterns, continues to animate and inform my path.