Our mission is to inspire global participation in the restoration of our precious soils. BY INCREASING THE HUMUS LAYER ON ARABLE (farmable) LAND BY ONLY 1% IN THE US, WE CAN BECOME CARBON NEUTRAL. BY INCREASING THE HUMUS LAYER BY 1.5% ON ARABLE LAND GLOBALLY, WE CAN BRING CO2 LEVELS IN THE ATMOSPHERE BACK BELOW 350 PPM. (We are now at 400 ppm.) WE CAN DO IT! WE CAN PUT IT BACK! Education:
CARBON: Two-thirds of our humus layer has disappeared. Through conventional agriculture, the carbon which bound this humus is now in our atmosphere as CO2 (476 gigatonnes of CO2).
WATER: Rebuilding humus means more water is absorbed into the soil and less escapes as runoff. Soil humus holds its weight in water. To create humus, start composting and inoculating your plants and lawns with Mycorrhizal Fungi (the principle humus maker). In a nutshell, humus makes the ground like a sponge rather then concrete. When water is held in the ground by the soil, everything benefits.
MINERAL DEPLETION: Humus holds minerals and serves as a carbon filter in the soil. The loss of humus has caused soil minerals to leach and unfiltered contaminants to increase. For 10 decades, extractive agriculture has used more chemicals every year. These chemicals are poisoning us. Loss of humus is directly linked to an 80% decline of nutrients in our food.
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6 Ways You Can Help! 1.
coque iphone Compost Compost Compost! Start composting your yard clippings and food scraps! Each bit of nutrients is worth $ and needs to be returned to where it came from. Compost has been shown to suppress plant diseases and pests, reduce or eliminate the need for chemical fertilizers, and promote higher yields of crops. It also jump starts the life of soil, allowing for the growth of the fungus and bacteriathat are essential for storing carbon, water, and nutrients. 2. Apply Mycorrhizal Fungi to your home garden or yard. By “inoculating” your garden and yard with Mycorrhizal Fungi you are actively sequestering carbon into the ground.
coque iphone pas cher Mycorrhizal Fungi are responsible for 60% of the carbon stored in the soil and are the primary builders of humus.
coque iphone 6 We have killed 90% of them with chemical herbicides, fungicides and pesticides. We need to bring them back so we can restore carbon into the ground where it belongs! 3. Grow your own garden. It is the best wellness tool. You want health? Grow it yourself! You will be amazed at the miracle of growing your own food. “Growing food is like printing your own money.” – Ron Finley 4. Support farmers who are employing the practices of composting, humus-building and nutrition farming. Organic is important but many organic farmers are not “rebuilding” the soil, rather they just stopped using chemicals and pesticides. Without adding compost, mycorrhizal fungi, and minerals, to the soil, organic farming can also decrease the humus layer. Ask your local farmers if they use compost and mycorrhizal fungi or “Nutrition Farming” methods. 5. Tell your representatives to write legislation that supports city/municipal composting and humus growing efforts.
soldes coque iphone 97% of food scraps and yard clippings end up in the landfill!! Let them know that we can no longer let valuable organic matter be thrown away into landfills to become methane.
soldes coque iphone Many cities no longer want to pay to throw away organic material. Composting turns your “Trash” into “Black Gold” (compost.). That improves municipal finances because compost can be sold to farmers. Compost created by your kitchen and green waste is worth SOOO much more than paying to throw it away.
coque iphone 8 6. Share The SOIL STORY!! By sharing the story you will will inspire others. It might be your sharing that does the most. We never know when the tipping point will be reached or if we were the ones who pushed it at the right time.