The doors to the original location of The Bodhi Tree on Melrose Avenue are now closed, but their spirit remains alive and vibrant. coque iphone xs max They are hard at work on the reincarnation of the Bodhi Tree and look forward to sharing their progress over the coming year. soldes coque iphone Check back here often! While they’re busy creating a whole new and expanded selection of products and resources for the Bodhi Tree community, coque iphone they hope you will enjoy the selection of materials, coque iphone pas cher radio programming, coque iphone xs max history and recommendations you will find on their online store. coque iphone en ligne Shop for books, coque iphone 7 transformational media and other products by clicking to their online store.
The Bodhi Tree Bookstore Will Be Back
The Life Site is sad to announce that the Bodhi Tree Bookstore closed.
The owners had this to say, “During this moment of reincarnation, we are searching for our new location and hope you will check back in the coming months to see our website evolve.”
We absolutely will!