Sattva in Sanskrit means whole, complete, truth, balance. That is the path of Sattva Yoga. Sattva Yoga is ancient and fresh at the same time. coque iphone x There is a soft heart with a fierce, strong spine. There is sincerity and humor. Sattva Yoga is a complete path to create an experience of wholeness in the individual and the collective. Sattva Yoga was developed in the Himalayas over a decade ago, and has now spread around the world to the United States, Canada, Russia, South Africa, and elsewhere. Sattva Yoga includes ancient yogic techniques as well as current evolutionary practices to create a clear path for the individual to experience a full, healthy, abundant, joyous life. coque iphone xr Sattva Yoga is an ever-evolving and inclusive practice of meditation, kriya, asana, movement, pranayama, radical aliveness, and timeless wisdom. Sattva Yoga is freedom, movement, depth, stillness, transcendence, joy, compassion, grace, and truth.
Visit the website: Sattva Yoga is the experience of non-duality, where both stillness and movement exist at the same time Sattva Yoga is the experiencing and sharing of liberation and freedom on every level of our existence. It is coming together for that common purpose and to end conflict in our lives. Sattva Yoga includes and transcends all branches of yoga, it is simultaneously a whole and a part, and by this fact of the coming together a new layer of intelligence is occurring. Sattva Yoga absorbs ever new ways of being. Sattva Yoga is alive. On the path of Sattva Yoga, individuals live life as a practice. A Sattva Yogi is always a student, even as a teacher. A Sattva Yogi is committed to the path, a sincere practitioner. Sattva Yoga is a way of living by example. Sattva Yoga cares deeply about coming together to have a sense of community of truth, a sense of sacred relationship within community. The community can be stronger than individuals when we tap into each other’s capacity to evolve.
coque iphone xs max Sattva Yoga also cares deeply about environmental consciousness; Sattva Yogis have a sense of responsibility for our planet and all creatures, a deep compassion for all beings.

Anand Mehrotra was born and raised in Rishikesh, India – the birthplace of yoga. Combining the ancient wisdom of his upbringing with a lighthearted rebelliousness, Anand’s unique brilliance appeals to modern audiences in both the East and West. He is the founder and Master Teacher of Sattva Yoga – a holistic, ever-evolving practice that combines asana, pranayama, meditation, kriya, and wisdom.
coque iphone x Sattva Yoga inspires students to experience freedom, radical aliveness, and their most authentic Selves on every level. Anand currently teaches around the world: giving wisdom talks, offering satsangs and meditations, leading Sattva Yoga journeys, and guiding students through profound transformations in wisdom immersions, retreats, and trainings.
coque iphone 8 He is featured in the award-winning documentary The Highest Pass, the recently released online course Himalayan Wisdom for Life Beyond Fear. Anand also has a passion for developing sustainable businesses that transform and support the communities in which they participate. This entrepreneurial spirit has led to numerous endeavors, including his creation of the Sattva Centre, the Rishikesh retreat and wellness center where he leads Sattva Yoga teacher trainings and wisdom immersions.
coque iphone He is the founder of the Khushi Foundation, which provides medical, educational, and spiritual support to the children of Rishikesh, and the Sattva Foundation, which benefits the elderly.