Rahelio: How to Survive a Lunar Eclipse

Yesterday after sunset there was a bright object in the east that caught my attention. It was relatively large for anything astronomical and I thought maybe it was a UFO. After checking my astrology program on my phone I realized it was the planet Mars. Today Mars is in opposition to the Sun with the Earth in between them, and soon Mars will also make its closest approach to the Earth bringing its influence into greater expression for us. Mars, the mythological God of War, is the ruler of the sign Aries, and is an indicator of how we project our desire and passion out into the world. Sometimes this can lead to new experiences and self-realizations or can bring forth conflict and disharmony with those whom we encounter. With the Sun at this time in the sign of Aries in opposition to Mars in Libra, the initiative and drive that is the usual expression of Aries and Mars is tempered by Mars appearing to be in retrograde motion. Mars has been retrograde since March 1st. This retrograde motion of Mars while opposite the Sun brings to awareness a need for objectivity and balance regarding that which we desire to make manifest in the world. soldes coque iphone 2019 With the emphasis on the signs Aries and Libra we have to find the balance between our personal creative needs and freedom of self-expression with our relationship requirements and compromises. This has been an ongoing process with the retrograde motion of Mars. The question is what do we want to be happy? Where are we going with our life and what obstacles challenge us in fulfilling our desire? The retrograde motion of Mars is about turning inward to review and reflect upon what it is that we want. It may be that although you are headed in a certain direction, things aren’t going quite the way you might like. This can bring up frustration or anger if it includes obstacles from relationships with significant others. Retrograde planetary motion quite often brings up karmic situations that have to be reviewed and reconciled. Situations and relationship issues out of the past may come to a head as the Sun and Mars come into alignment with the Earth, and now present an opportunity for one to be clear and objective about what their priorities are. This may include having to surrender attachments to that which we desire and letting go of whatever is not working in a healthy way for us. When a planet is retrograde it opens us to the influence of the next planet outside of its orbit. coque iphone For Mars this would be Jupiter and therefore the need to find the vision and perspective to see where our life direction will take us if we follow our intuitive knowing. With Jupiter in the sign of Cancer we have to understand what can work best for family and issues of personal security. This is where Mars in Libra has to find peace with relationship and family issues versus the need to do our own thing. On April 15th we will have a lunar eclipse with Mars in a grand cross planetary alignment that includes Pluto, Uranus and Jupiter. And in addition to this Pluto will be TURNING station Retrograde which will be a trigger to release its powerful energy. coque iphone x This is again another very volatile pattern with Uranus and Pluto adding to the ongoing revolution in our social reality. Issues of war and peace, financial security and the impact on family matters and the changing dynamics that are involved are in play, including earth changes and weather extremes. coque iphone This is a very important time for prayer and ceremonial gatherings to harmonize this energy. Eclipses bring karmic issues to a head and can allow for greater awareness because of the shifts that it can trigger in our reality, and especially with the Pluto station retrograde. The winds of change are in the air. For some people this will bring new realizations and greater personal freedom relative to issues of security, family dynamics and relationships. For others this can be a time of radical upheaval and disruption if they are not paying attention and allowing for necessary changes and adjustments in their personal lives especially regarding the significant others that are involved. soldes coque iphone Relationships can be a catalyst for personal growth for some but for others there can be conflict and discord if they can’t come to agreement about issues that need compromise, and attachments that have to be let go of. Whatever it is that comes to greater awareness now needs to be paid attention to and positively acted upon whether its issues with health, work, relationship or family, etc. Otherwise it can create more problems and greater difficulty and bring with it upheaval and disruption that might otherwise be avoided. It’s a time for letting go that which is no longer working in our best interest to allow for new beginnings… And a time for greater self realization to what it is we wish to make manifest in our lives and with whom we choose to share it with.

What is a Retrograde Planet?

When a planet is said to be in retrograde that planet is not technically moving backwards, it only appears, from our perspective and view, to be doing so. coque iphone x The influence of the retrograde planet operates more predominately at an inner level, rather than an outer level, more yin than yang in application. The gift of the retrograde is creative and contemplative, not action oriented. It is characterized by a slowing down in progress as well as delays. coque iphone Projects do not have to be suspended or abandoned, at the same time, patience is required as they may not meet goals and expectations as quickly as planned, and glitches may sidetrack the most well thought through strategies. The opportunity of a retrograde is the use of this time to adjust expectations, assess goals, invest time in revisiting, revising, reevaluating, researching and reconsidering new approaches. coque iphone 6 Rather acting on ideas, use creative approaches to fine tune your plans, and reconsider what you may have discarded. coque iphone It’s a time to take a second look. coque iphone 8 It is not a favorable time to sign new contracts, launch new projects, or enter into new agreements. vente de coque iphone Although retrogrades test our patience they also offer the gifts of second chances, and finding a better way.

Clairvoyant Angelic Healing

You Angel You – Peter and Anne Selby Clairvoyant Angelic Healing Clairvoyant Angelic Healing is a modality in which Angels provide insights into the causes of dis-ease (albeit physical, emotional, mental or spiritual), communicating through ancient archetypes and symbols that reference problematic areas within one’s consciousness. Responding to the invitation by our clients to do so, we invoke the guidance and help of their Guardian Angels, their connection to Source (however they define Source) and their Higher Self to unveil the hidden causation of suffering and limitation in connecting with their own Divine Nature and vibrant health. acheter coque iphone en ligne Thus we see healing on the physical plane as a manifestation of the deeper healing in the Soul and the Spirit, which can be blocked by virtue of unresolved conflicts and traumatic residues from this life and past lives. coque iphone en ligne Similarly, Angels support their charges to heal unresolved negative ancestral projections (negative lineage influences), thus creating blessings for both their ancestors and their progeny. Angels also reveal and heal dysfunctional relationship patterns and co-dependencies that plague humans everywhere through providing insights into the inner workings of their own psyche and their own ‘inner couple’. They show how these unconscious inner workings project onto the outer world and into one’s relationships, creating challenges that ultimately are best resolved from within oneself where Angels help us all to heal through promoting higher awareness and supporting healthier choices. Through helping their charges to reconnect to their original virtues and authentic angelic nature, Angels can help people ‘reset’/heal their consciousness per their original design as a Hu-Man Being as being made in the image of God Source, thus co-creating a better life and a healthier body. coque iphone 8 About Peter and Anne Peter & Anne make their home in Sisters, Oregon and work together co-facilitating private healing sessions, distance healings, teaching workshops & public speaking. Peter G. Selby Peter has worked as a clairvoyant healer and medical intuitive since the early 90’s. He has been a Registered Physical Therapist since 1978 and is licensed in the State of Montana. He holds a B.A. coque iphone 2019 from Stanford University and a degree in Rehabilitation Medicine from the University of British Columbia, with postgraduate training and certification in Orthopedic Manipulative Therapy, acupuncture and studies through the advanced level in CranioSacral Therapy, Myofascial Release and Osteopathic Visceral Manipulation and is a Diplomate of the College of Mind-Body Medicine from the American Association of Integrative Medicine. This work draws on conventional wisdom and integrates alternative approaches. Alexa “Anne” Selby Anne is an intuitive counselor in practice since 1996. She works with Peter facilitating private sessions, workshops and lecture/demonstrations. Anne provides careful illustrations that depict the information Peter is guided to see. coque iphone 2019 Her studies include Mind to Mind Healing, Energy Mastery and Angelic Healing Wisdom. In addition to her corporate background in management with BellSouth Corporation and experience as a private consultant with BellSouth International, she co-owned Metamorphosis Yoga Studio in Atlanta, Georgia where she taught Kripalu Yoga for 4 years, provided intuitive counseling and private yoga therapy sessions.

Video: Artist and the Shaman Trailer

This story connects the lives of four people in a quest for life’s deeper meaning. coque iphone With the help of a modern Medicine Man and Shaman, coque iphone xr the artist searches for the spirit of his departed famous father among the living in the healing red rock country of Sedona, Arizona. soldes coque iphone This critically acclaimed documentary is a story of grief and transcendence, coque iphone filled with music, coque iphone pas cher art, coque iphone 8 beauty, coque iphone 8 and Native American wisdom-moving tribute to our loved ones who’ve gone by.

Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences

By Dr. Steve G. coque iphone 2019 pas cher Jones, Ed.D. coque iphone 8 It is reported that approximately 15% of the population has experienced astral projection or an out of body experience. Many people report out of body experiences when they are faced with a near death or very stressful situation. soldes coque iphone When people experience a scary situation, an out of body experience often occurs because this is the conscious minds way of separating itself from reality. vente de coque iphone When faced with difficult situations, the mind shuts down and removes itself. Astral projection doesn’t have to occur during difficult times. It is actually a fun experience that can be enjoyed at any time with a little practice. What you are actually experiencing is your astral body or spirit separating itself from your physical body. Once you are able to separate the two you will feel like the “you” you are used to is in your astral body and you can view your physical body from the outside. One of the major contributors to astral projection and having an out of body experience is energy. Energy is what allows your astral body and consciousness to separate from your physical body. coque iphone 6 Learning to control energy and vibrations is what will give you the power to astral project whenever you want. coque iphone 6 If you have had a near death experience and had an out of body experience, you created powerful energy, but chances are you didn’t know how to control it. soldes coque iphone Learning astral projection allows you to learn how to control energy vibrations so that you can explore the astral plane. It is truly an enthralling experience. I know you will enjoy your astral travel experience and with time you will know exactly how to control out of body experiences.

Decoding Solar Returns – Cathryn Hunter

JKP_1281smThe collective’s New Year is an ideal time to discuss the Solar Return, or one’s personal New Year; the day the Sun returns to the original degree and minute of one’s birth. It can be the day before one’s birthday, the day of, or the day after. This is your true personal New Year. Liz Greene, Jungian Psychologist and Astrologer, refers to the Solar Return as a powerful energy impulse into our personal chart, “Today is the day of new beginnings, and the influences will be in effect for the entire year to come.” It is said that 88% if all New Year’s resolutions fail. From my perspective it is due to the fact that on this day, there is no particular individual solar support that impacts one’s particular chart (unless you are born January1). With that in mind, the most effective time to set intentions or make resolutions, would be on your birthday, the day of your Solar Return, your true New Year, when you have energetic assistance helping you co create your year ahead. So, every year, on or near your birthday, you experience a Solar Return, which activates a chart that holds influence for a year. Keep in mind, your SR chart will change by where you are geographically at that time; just as two people born at the same day and time, yet in different places, will have entirely different charts. I view the SR chart as a thread in your astrological tapestry. The foundational thread is the chart you were born with, which represents your patterns, talents, potentials. As time goes on the threads of the transits, progressions, eclipses, and planetary returns, are woven into your fabric. So although the SR is weighty, it is a part of the whole. While the influence of the SR is pivotal, one must be mindful of an attitude of reductionism, which is, isolating the power of the SR, and not honoring the entire astrological terrain. My position is one of inclusivity, that is, all astrological dynamics are factors in what unfolds in your year. Consider the image of a scale as our astrological terrain. Imagine the scale tipping to one side in challenging cycles. The SR can be a tool in bringing the scale back to balance, or even tip it to the positive side, giving welcomed support through these challenges. By traveling to a destination that is supportive astrologically for your SR birthday New Year, you utilize a tool that can contribute to a helpful influence for the year. Whether or not one stays home or takes a SR trip, the most successful Solar Returns are the ones where one is an active participant with the energy of the chart. It is said that there is relationship between inner and outer, what is “in here is out there”, in other words, within us we create our outer world. The SR is more than a symbol of planets arranged in certain order. To realize the potential of a SR, the goal should be work with its possibilities, and throughout the year consistently attune to the energy and give attention to the opportunity reflected by the chart of the Solar Return; in doing so work toward, realize, and create the goal in your outer world. Consider the Solar Return a planetary MAP that when one participates, takes the road created, increases the power of the return. soldes coque iphone Solar Return trips are not for magical thinkers or those looking for an easy way to reach a certain end. coque iphone pas cher For instance, no Solar Return will improve one’s health if one doesn’t follow through with good health habits. coque iphone en ligne No Solar Return will offset one’s negative patterns and self defeating ways which operate to hold one back. No Solar Return will function against the themes in the natal chart. coque iphone xs max For instance, if a natal chart does not hold the promise of fame, no Solar Return will be able to deliver that. Those of us who do SR will still experience the challenges of life. In my regular sessions, based on where you tell me you were at that time, I will comment on your SR, along with other astrological factors, as a part of your session. coque iphone Additionally, I have clients who ask me to find a birthday SR destination ahead of time, which creates a supportive SR chart for the upcoming year. (This is separate from regular sessions.) If one cannot travel for ones SR, one should always be mindful of the time of your Solar Return. coque iphone 2019 pas cher In my Yearly Forecast Sessions, whether or not you ask me to find a Solar Return destination for you, I will always give you your Solar Return day and time for the place you plan to be. This time is wisely used in the same rituals that are regularly performed at the collective New Year, that is, meditation, journaling, goal setting, and visualizing what you desire to accomplish.

Wishing You A Happily Ever After – Char Margolis

Imagine your life is a play. You are the star of the show. coque iphone 6 You are also the director looking down and watching all the characters and experiences that unfold In your world. Since only some things in life are predestined, the choices that you and others around you make build the story of your life. coque iphone xr You also have the ability to help rewrite the script. I have been traveling a lot meeting people for private sessions. It is a joy to read for everyone and a bonus to meet you in person! No matter if I am in America, Canada, The Netherlands or South Africa (thank you for my recent amazing adventure, and warm welcome) I find that there is an overall theme of lessons that weaves through all of our story lines. First is self love, another is dealing with loss. The loss of a loved one who has crossed over and the loss of a relationship where both parties are still alive on the earth plane. Those of us that believe in the spirit world and the world of energy seem to be more sensitive to other people’s feelings. coque iphone 6 They are the givers in life. Sometimes generous to a fault. The first true love is self love. It doesn’t mean you are selfish. It means that your needs matter! When you go on an airplane and the safety instructions are given, they always say in case of an emergency put your oxygen mask on before helping others. I recently read for the most wonderful group of ladies in South Africa. None of them knew one another before the meeting.They were lovely! In most all my groups the people who are suppose to be there attend. In fact, it’s like the guides use divine intervention in choosing the group and most always there is so much more of a connection between them than just the readings they get. One of the girls, a beautiful woman, had a husband who was emotionally and psychologically abusive. He controls everyone with his money, including their only child. In fact, this dysfunctional #%^#* (bleep) is ganging up against his wife with the teenage daughter like the mean girls in high school. When someone puts you down enough times, you begin to believe it. Over forty years ago I was married for a short time. A radio station wanted to interview me. I was so excited to share my new found purpose and ability to help people. I called him after the interview so wanting his approval and he said “I wasn’t impressed. You should go back to speech school”. I finally got tired of this a few years later and we divorced. coque iphone It took time to build up myself esteem. It will take time for her as well but I know she will succeed! There was a young 20 year old girl in the same group. She has experienced more loss in her young life than most in midlife. I saw her mother in spirit Who suffered from cancer. coqueiphone She had passed some years ago way before her time! There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. I think all the women in the room wanted to adopt her. The woman I just wrote about said, “I think I knew your mom”. Indeed! They figured it out and she knew her! They are going to go out for lunch. This young girl who had other great premature losses also exuded an amazing strength of faith. An old soul in a young body teaching each one of us a lesson in coping with great loss. By the time they left, emails and phone numbers were being exchanged. After one morning, 7 strangers had become 7 friends. I ask you to think about your life. The choices you make. Do you come from a place of strength or weakness? Do you embrace your self love? Do you cope with loss with faith or do you become a victim? You have control of the pen on paper. Make sure you direct the scenes of your life with wisdom and care. Wishing you a happily ever after! Write on…