NOW: Mars in Retrograde – Your Survival Guide

“Mars is the force which propels the seed to germinate.” Dane Rudhyar In December 2013, Mars entered the sign of Libra where it remains until the end of July 2014. coque iphone soldes Normally Mars resides in a sign 45 days, so this is an extended length of time. Within that time frame, between March 1, 2014 and May 19, 2014, Mars will be retrograde. Mars has been described as the energizer, the challenger, and the cosmic trigger. It is an outreaching dynamic, action oriented, providing the drive to progress and achieve; not an inward energy. Mars can be both courageous and contentious. It represents anger and passion, and so can rage and battle, or it can assert and direct in a manner that supports advancement. Like fire, be cautious in the manner you express your Mars; it can provide sustenance and light or it can burn and blacken. In retrograde, Mars may be frustrating. Strategies or plans may not advance quickly or smoothly, and action to implement may not be smooth, so patience is required. It may take time for plans and projects to manifest; results may not be immediate. coque iphone pas cher Often there are many course corrections, and periods of waiting. To learn where Mars is asking for your personal focus, look to your Ascendant. coque iphone Remember this is general information, and the specifics of your personal natal chart may alter the interpretation. Mars in 1, Libra Ascendant: Impetus to assert and stand up for oneself. This is a great time to work on your image. What needs to be changed to foster success? Have the courage to make those changes after the retrograde period when you should have the drive and energy to do so. During the retrograde period be patient with your progress. Mars in 2, Virgo Ascendant: During the retrograde focus on plans to develop and expand your financial opportunities. A reevaluation of how you manifest, as well as the use of your financial resources, is called for. Although your ambition is ignited, you might want to take action and initiative to move forward after the retrograde when results come more easily. Mars in 3, Leo Ascendant: During the retrograde period be mindful of how you communicate. Be courageous, not impulsive or argumentative. If contracts must be signed during the retrograde, take care that you are completely clear regarding those documents. You may have some difficulty making decisions about how you want to implement ideas and plans; after the retrograde you may be clearer and implementation might be smoother. coque iphone 8 Mars in 4, Cancer Ascendant: After the retrograde is a positive time to undertake projects at home. If you have wanted to move it’s a good time to pursue that. During the retrograde period projects at home may need to be reworked, or a choice to move may be reconsidered. A parent may need more attention than usual, or time between home and career needs adjustment. Mars in 5, Gemini Ascendant: During the retrograde period creative types may feel stagnant, blocked, or out of the flow. Once Mars goes direct creativity is newly ignited, especially for artists. And during the retrograde children may be more demanding. Also be mindful with gambling or risky undertakings. My advice to workaholic types: take some time to play. Mars in 6, Taurus Ascendant: Once the retrograde period is over a great deal of energy will be career focused. During the retrograde the organizational side of work may be frustrating and draining. At this time you will need to work for what you receive, and you might adjust expectations temporarily. Focus on organizing to improve productivity. If you are an employer you may have issues with employees. Mars in 7, Aries Ascendant: Expect disagreements with your partner during the retrograde period, or there may be legal concerns to attend to in business. A balance between the needs of the partnership and self come into focus. One might wait until after the retrograde to make decisions regarding partnership. After the retrograde period relationships issues may resolve, and focus on partnership issues should bring positive results. Mars in 8, Pisces Ascendant: During Mars in Libra be pristine with all shared monies, taxes, loans, ect. If there are any outstanding issues over shared accounts, now is the time to tie up loose ends. Taxes loans, and monies shared require attention. coque iphone 2019 pas cher Be conservative, not risky, in sexual areas. Promises for loans or funding may fall through temporarily during the retrograde. Mars in 9, Aquarius Ascendant: During Mars in Libra travelling long distance for vacation or adventure is usually welcomed. At the same time business travel involving a foreign opportunity may present itself. However, during the retrograde period there may be glitches in travel plans and opportunities from a long distance. Mars in 10, Capricorn Ascendant: Renewed ambition and drive to push in career areas. New opportunities for leadership may be pursued, and ambition and energy is directed towards distinguishing one in career. coque iphone soldes Calm the tendency to steam roll over others. Results to move forward may be delayed or unsupported until Mars goes direct. Choose your battles wisely. Mars in 11, Sagittarius Ascendant: Mars supports active participation with friends, groups, and organizations. You may be involved in standing up for a friend, or you may find that during this time issues with friends arise. If you are at odds with a friend, you might make more progress if you wait until after the retrograde to resolve the matter. Mars in 12, Scorpio Ascendant: This is where we block or bottle up the energy of Mars. Mars is undercover in the 12th house, so the work for you with this transit is to confront any emotions that you disown, so they can find a healthy expression. coque iphone Under the retrograde you may explore wounds of the past with the goal to heal.

Education for Your Child’s Soul: A Yogic Perspective

“Education for Your Child’s Soul: A Yogic Perspective.” Swami Jyotirmayananda. Light of Consciousness Journal of Spiritual Awakening. Vol. 20. No. 4. Winter 2008. With Special thanks to Doris L. for sharing with us… == The subject of educating children is very vital because the future of mankind-culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime-depends upon the way children are educated. Children grow up into adults and adults again become children in the process of karmic movement and its continuous cycles of birth and death. Further, the test of a great culture is the art with which children are educated. If children stay frustrated in a society, if they undergo mental torture, if they are not given normal circumstances for higher development and for understanding what is good and evil, then such a society is in a state of degradation. It is important therefore, to understand what type of attitudes parents must evolve toward their children, towards themselves, and towards their mutual education. A KARMIC RELATIONSHIP Firstly one must have the philosophical understanding that children are spirits in the process of repeated embodiment and it is on the basis of the Law of Karma that parents draw certain souls within their family. So, a child’s coming to a home is not an accidental development. It is backed up by a law. The spirit of the child needs an environment that will fulfill the demands of its karma. Accordingly, the parents have been arranged by nature’s laws. So in a way the child is the (parent of the adult). It is (s)he who selected the parents through whom (s)he is born. According to Yogic thought, a child is learning even when (s)he is within the mother’s womb. Even then the child is receiving impressions. So in Yogic culture a mother with child is given an abundance of good association, satsanga. She is careful about where she goes, the thoughts she entertains in her mind, even the pictures she sees. Parents can mold their children through the environment of impressions. On the other hand, you must realize you are not creating the child. The child has been drawn to you on the basis of karma. Whatever you do is in the fitness of the karmic law. At the same time this does not imply that you simply relax and follow your whims in the name of the Law of Karma. A CHILD IS A REFLECTION OF THE SELF Why is a child so lovable to the parent? How can a tiny creature weighing just a few pounds capture their hearts, entrance their minds, involve all their energy? Why is it that the moment you see a little cub of a tiger or a lion, or any child of any species, the human mind develops such a sense of tenderness? What is the psychology behind it? The answer, in brief, is that every human being wants to capture in his consciousness absolute tenderness, absolute beauty and harmony. That, of course, is God, the Divine Self. coque iphone x But since the urge for realizing the Self is very abstract, the complex mind is unable to understand that urge and nature must present various experiences in human life to promote its development. coque iphone So, when parents love their child, in that love they are trying to capture the love of God. Your child reflects that God, That Divinity in it’s simplicity and innocence. When you understand how your child reflects your aspiration for becoming simple, symbolizing the goal you want to reach in life, you can develop an attitude of adoring the Divine Self in the child. This attitude however, should not interfere with your practical dealings with a child. You must be able to separate your instinctive love from the objective needs of a child’s growth. You should not make the child a tool of your love, nor become attached to and dependent on the form of the child to be happy. If you do so you will stunt their development and not let them grow up as they should. Rather understand that a child exists as an independent personality and one day will walk out of your life as a bird that has wings will fly out of the nest. UNIQUE SENSITIVITY OF A CHILD’S MIND A child, according to Yoga, has their kleshas, their afflictions, in a dormant state. Because the ego and it’s selfishness have not yet developed, there is a unique form of sensitivity that nature has given to a child. In practical dealings with children, parent must understand the sensitivity of the child’s mind and realize how deeply every experience penetrates that mind. You remember clearly many things from your childhood days while things that happened a few years ago, or only a few days ago are forgotten. coque iphone 8 The mind of a child is extraordinarily sensitive. Its sensitivity is mystic. Sometimes the child is reflecting even the things that you feel and think. You may be able to conceal many things from other grownup human beings. You can come from your office tense, tired, and filled with explosions within your mind. You can conceal all that when dealing with grownup people, but when you are sitting before children you are sitting before tiny sages. They perceive your inner state though you have not uttered a word. There is a radiation from you and children are more sensitive to that and they imbibe it. So, it is important that adults consider carefully the sensitivity of the mind of a child. SEE THROUGH YOUR CHILDS EYES Parents must also understand how the values of children are different from the values of grownup people. It becomes important for parents to develop sensitivity into children’s psychology. Not through academic learning, but on the basis of spontaneous love and affection, you must become able to commune with your children and understand them. You must try to see how the children think and how they ae looking at things. You should not impose your realities in a very harsh manner. The Law of Karma can cause great differences among children in the same family. Children born of the same parents may be in totally different levels of evolution. Some children have the potentiality of becoming very great in a particular field while others do not. Parents with insight will be able to guide their children according to their potential and their state of evolution, encouraging them to unfold all their inner talents and resources. Parents should not become upset if the children do not function or develop the way they had excepted, because children have their own right to live and express themselves. They cannot be molded exactly according to the expectations of parents. The parents attitude towards the children should be to present a healthy environment for growth, just as the sun and the rain provide a proper environment for seeds to grow. If proper circumstance are given in a society where various personalities are needed, everyone will fit in to perform a correct and right function. From Divine point of view no one is smaller, no one is greater. Therefore, parents should not imbalance their affection and lean more towards children who are brighter or more like themselves, and begin to ignore those that are not so bright or express themselves differently than parents had expected. THE SPIRIT OF DISCIPLINE Practical insight into how to train children must be gradually developed by the parents through experience. There cannot be set laws. Those people who read set laws from research books become like tinny computers, constantly looking into the books to find out exactly how they are going to react to a problem. Parents must build up an atmosphere of warmth and love and within that atmosphere firmness. Allow the children to taste the joy of your satisfaction when they have done well in meeting your healthy expectations. However, when they have not done something well they must also taste the bitterness of having made you dissatisfied. They long to please you and learn to enjoy promoting your satisfaction. That sensitive way in which children must be handled is the subject of profound understanding and the art of being firm in a healthy manner requires a special intelligence. You should not allow the child to have their way all of the time. You must train and discipline the child and your love for the child should not come in the way of that training. If a child gets into some wrong habits you must discipline them firmly, strongly. Even threats and little pats will do no harm. The children will appreciate your actions in the course of time. coque iphone Parents who are afraid that their children will leave them as they grow if they are firmly treated, have not developed deeper love for the children. If you are in a healthy relationship with your children, you will impress upon them the sincerity of your intentions to such an extent that even though you might have been very harsh at times, they will love you immensely. TRUE SPIRITUAL EDUCATION Spiritual Ideals should be given to children, but since people do not have a healthy understanding of the true meaning of spirituality, they often separate the spiritual from the material. Therefore, you hear so much about the cruelty that occurs when children are trained to become everything that the parents are not. Parents, finding in themselves many weaknesses that they cannot remove, want the child to be perfect, free from all those weaknesses. This type of attempt to build perfection in others without bringing perfection within oneself is an erroneous movement. Children are put into great trouble in the name of making them ethically perfect, training them to be pious, religious. Religion is life lived in a healthy plane. Religion is sincerity. Religion is communion with love. It is important not to adopt extreme measures in any direction and to provide conditions so that the children draw from themselves the inherent power with which they are born. That is exactly the meaning of education. Education is to draw out from yourself what you have. For encouraging aspiration for greater things, all you need to do is awaken an interest in the child. The moment a true interest is awakened, the child will follow that pursuit with intense concentration. If a child develops an interest in Self-realization as the goal, he will start to read books that will help him reach that goal. Therefore, the art for parents is to plant in the child a profound interest then leave the child to peruse it. Just guide here and there. Do not go after every detail. For parents to present higher thought patterns in the environment of their children, certain conditions must be present. Firstly, the parents must have higher understanding themselves and be sincerely working towards their own evolution and personality integration. Secondly, there must not be disharmony between the parents. Thirdly, the parents must not seek too many amusements outside. They must consider that the children provide for them an excellent panorama of experience and they in turn provide an interesting environment for the children. Therefore, do not allow the children to just watch TV day and night. It is a terrible defect in the present civilization that parents leave the children completely at the mercy of mechanized entertainment, and that children grow up cold, calculated and insensitive. Therefore, they bring pain to their parents and pain to the society. Rather, come in contact with the children by telling them stories and parables. participate in their lives and come closer to their world. Education is not limited to just training children how to write and read. Education is sharing your life, allowing a child to imbibe vibrations which are necessary for his growth. Bringing forth children, according to the Hindu tradition, is a powerful responsibility, a powerful Yoga. If that responsibility is not understood, a person should not be a grihasta, a householder, and bring forth children he is not prepared to deal with. coque iphone 2019 On the other hand, if you know the art, you are promoting a Yoga. Your doing good to the child enables you, in turn, to evolve faster. You are not educating the child for the child’s sake alone, but for your sake as well. It is within the perspective of educating yourself that nature has provided a conjunction of a soul – the child – with you. You must help the child unfold under your protection and guidance. When children bloom into wonderful personalities, when they turn towards a life which in universal and truly healthy, and when they become enlightened sages, they benefit themselves, the parents, the forefathers, and the entire world.

Tapping Your Akashic Records – Heaven on Earth?

Tapping Your Akashic Records – A Little Bit of Heaven on Earth by Sara E. Morrow In life, we make decisions all day long. From the big to the small, constantly making choices that affect our present and future. What if there was a way to access all the information in the Universe we could ever need to help us along? The Akashic Records are thought to be a Divine source, hidden in the Universe, that we can find all the information on human kind about the past, present and future, to help us make informed, beneficial choices to have the best life possible. Knowledge contained in these records is imprinted on the ‘Akasha’ – the Sanskrit word meaning ‘space’, both in its elemental and metaphysical forms. The Akasha contains the energy that makes up everything in the Universe. What’s an Akashic Record? The DNA of the Universe. Akashic records can be thought of as the imprints of every thought, action, emotion and experience that’s ever taken place in time and space. We each have our own record. soldes coque iphone These records are thought to be energetically protected by guides, guardians and keepers. Akashic records tell the stories we can’t utilize in our conscious mind, without help from the divine. According to theory, this enables us to have a taste of ‘heaven on earth’. The world as we have collectively perceived it is but a faint shadow within a vast reality. Think of these records as the realm of the unseen world. coque iphone x Like the dream state that has many different levels of brain activity while we sleep, other dimensions we don’t usually tap into are parts the exist within our mind. Our brain activity proves that our mind is always working – this can be scientifically measured. Regardless of whether we can ‘see’ them or not, all thoughts and experiences exist. coque iphone 2019 History of Akashic Records In the Bible, they are referred to as the Book of Life. In Hindu, Akasha is related to the primary principle of nature involving the four natural elements: fire, air, earth and water. coque iphone soldes Edgar Cayce was the first to publically document his journey within the Akashic realm, stating: “The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation. These records connect each one of us to one another.” He theorizes that in death, we are all presented with our personal Akashic record of what we have or have not done in life in a karmic sense. vente de coque iphone The idea is comparable to the biblical Book of Life, which is consulted to see whether or not the dead are admitted to heaven. How can we tap in? What was once thought of as a source only for the Divinities and Prophets of our time is now thought to be accessible to all humankind who pursue a connection and work a path towards spiritual enlightenment. To open or access the Akashic Records, we move from our daily state of consciousness to a state where we tap into our divine consciousness that is shared with all in the universe. Intuition, prayer, meditation and flashes of insight are ways we can tap into our Akashic files. We may even unconsciously access them in our daily lives within our reflections and ‘gut’ instincts. But if a stronger connection is desired, there are techniques we can learn, using meditation, breathing techniques and sacred spoken prayers. Some also choose to use a professional consultant who has studied the practices and has expertise in the area. Akashic records also draw us to and away from one another due to past histories contained within the records. coque iphone 8 That ‘feeling’ that you’ve known someone before, or just ‘don’t mix’ with someone else very well may be rooted in a past life that we know nothing of in our conscious mind. The records are a divine tool we can use to remember our oneness with all beings in the universe and find our personal power to create the life we desire.

Video: Cardinal Grand Cross 2014

April 2014 heralds a very rare astrological event, where four planets (PLUTO opposing JUPITER & MARS opposing URANUS), are at exact 90 degree angles to one another, hence forming a Grand Cross in our celestial skies. soldes coque iphone 2019 In addition, each of these planets are sitting at ’13 degrees’ of the 4 CARDINAL signs (Pluto 13 degrees Capricorn, Jupiter 13 degrees Cancer, Mars 13 degrees Libra & Uranus 13 degrees Aries). Plus Mars is Retrograde (appearance of going backwards) during the Cardinal Grand Cross Alignment. coque iphone 2019 PLUS, adding to this melting pot of transformational energies, the climax of this Cardinal Grand Cross on the 23/24 April 2014 takes place between two eclipses; a Total Lunar Eclipse on the 14 April 2014 followed by a Solar Eclipse on the 28 April 2014. Hope you enjoy this slideshow summary of the energetic ‘Quantum Potential’ of the Cardinal Grand Cross of 2014. coque iphone soldes

For a more detailed understanding of this event and to receive a number of free energetic tools, please visit: PLEASE NOTE: At the 3:40 minute mark, there is a typo in the heading on a few of the slides. coque iphone 6 The Annular Solar Eclipse is on the 29 April 2014 (not the 14/15 April, as that is the date of the Lunar Eclipse… coque iphone 2019 Ooops, apologies for any confusion).

Moon Voids – What Are They?

MOON VOIDS by Sara E. coque iphone 8 Morrow We all know the legends about werewolves howling on the full moon. Yet, little is known of the metaphysical side of the journey that takes the moon around the earth approximately every 27 days that affects our lives, daily. In its orbit, the moon visits a different zodiac sign approximately every 2½ days. But it’s not always a smooth, even transition between them and there are times when the moon is not within a zodiac’s parameters, therefore it’s said to be in a ‘void’ period. Now consider our lives like a book, the narrator and writer being the moon. Each zodiac sign is like a chapter the moon moves through, telling the story as we go along. Like each new chapter, and story, our life changes with the moon’s journey along with the events and emotions involved. coque iphone 2019 We’re not always consciously aware of these changes, as the moon is connected to our subconscious, which feels the shift. As the moon moves through the zodiac it also makes contact with the planets. These planets inform us of how our story will play out, emotionally and physically. There is always a pause at the end of the story. When the moon is in that phase, we call it a moon void. Understanding the ‘Void’ During this period, often we feel disconnected. Unforeseen, surprising results can arise. Avoid being involved in concerns beyond your spiritual center. coque iphone x Delays and frustration are common. ‘Voids’ are created because these lunar ‘chapters’ aren’t the same length. Some take the whole 2 ½ days, but others are much shorter. The void is thought of as the last moment it makes contact in a sign until the next moment it makes contact in the new sign. An easy way to understand it is: Let’s say the moon is in Virgo from Monday at 12 PM until it leaves Virgo Wednesday at 12 PM, on its way to Libra. But it won’t officially reach Libra until Thursday at 12 AM. Technically, the moon is “in void” for that 12 hours. There’s no complete and undisputable reason for such pauses on the moon’s journey. We can theorize all we want — maybe the next chapter will be intense and we need prep time? Maybe we need time to reflect on the last? Regardless, the moon takes her sweet time in travel and we’re along for the ride. Navigating the ‘Void’ We have learned the void of course period is when the moon is between two signs. But it’s not in some black hole or nowhere to be found. It’s always in flux between one sign or another but before it officially crosses paths with its impending new planet, there’s a period where things can get energetically out of whack. coque iphone 6 It’s important to remember moon voids when making big decisions and considering life’s big questions you may want answered in a certain way. coque iphone pas cher When the moon is in void – the answer to your question is that nothing is going to happen. coque iphone xs max For example, if a person asked – am I going to get that job? The answer would be, likely not because nothing is going to happen. But if it was more – am I going to get fired? Then, the answer of nothing will happen is perceived as a better option. The key – keep in mind the phrase or notion – nothing is going to happen — and use it to your desired outcome. Things suggested to avoid: signing contracts, close a deal, start a project, or anything else you want concrete results from, as they will be plagued with problems. But – if you want to drop some bad news, fewer repercussions will follow. ‘How To’ Guide For most of us, to have the know how, the time and the data to track moon voids is nearly impossible.

Even the Moon Needs a Day Off Sometimes

by Sara E. Morrow MOON VOIDS We all know the legends about werewolves howling on the full moon. Yet, little is known of the metaphysical side of the journey that takes the moon around the earth approximately every 27 days that affects our lives, daily. In its orbit, the moon visits a different zodiac sign approximately every 2 ½ days. But it’s not always a smooth, even transition between them and there are times when the moon is not within a zodiac’s parameters, therefore it’s said to be in a ‘void’ period. Now consider our lives like a book, the narrator and writer being the moon. Each zodiac sign is like a chapter the moon moves through, telling the story as we go along. coque iphone xs max Like each new chapter, and story, our life changes with the moon’s journey along with the events and emotions involved. We’re not always consciously aware of these changes, as the moon is connected to our subconscious, which feels the shift. As the moon moves through the zodiac it also makes contact with the planets. These planets inform us of how our story will play out, emotionally and physically. There is always a pause at the end of the story. coque iphone 8 When the moon is in that phase, we call it a moon void. coque iphone Understanding the ‘Void’ During this period, often we feel disconnected. Unforeseen, surprising results can arise. Avoid being involved in concerns beyond your spiritual center. Delays and frustration are common. ‘Voids’ are created because these lunar ‘chapters’ aren’t the same length. Some take the whole 2 ½ days, but others are much shorter. The void is thought of as the last moment it makes contact in a sign until the next moment it makes contact in the new sign. An easy way to understand it is: Let’s say the moon is in Virgo from Monday at 12 PM until it leaves Virgo Wednesday at 12 PM, on its way to Libra. coque iphone 8 But it won’t officially reach Libra until Thursday at 12 AM. Technically, the moon is “in void” for that 12 hours. acheter coque iphone There’s no complete and undisputable reason for such pauses on the moon’s journey. We can theorize all we want — maybe the next chapter will be intense and we need prep time? Maybe we need time to reflect on the last? Regardless, the moon takes her sweet time in travel and we’re along for the ride. coque iphone pas cher Navigating the ‘Void’ We have learned the void of course period is when the moon is between two signs. But it’s not in some black hole or nowhere to be found. It’s always in flux between one sign or another but before it officially crosses paths with its impending new planet, there’s a period where things can get energetically out of whack. It’s important to remember moon voids when making big decisions and considering life’s big questions you may want answered in a certain way. When the moon is in void – the answer to your question is that nothing is going to happen. coque iphone 6 For example, if a person asked – am I going to get that job? The answer would be, likely not because nothing is going to happen. But if it was more – am I going to get fired? Then, the answer of nothing will happen is perceived as a better option. The key – keep in mind the phrase or notion – nothing is going to happen — and use it to your desired outcome. Things suggested to avoid: signing contracts, close a deal, start a project, or anything else you want concrete results from, as they will be plagued with problems. But – if you want to drop some bad news, fewer repercussions will follow. ‘How To’ Guide For most of us, to have the know how, the time and the data to track moon voids is nearly impossible.

Super Full Moon with Retrograde Mercury and Neptune

By: Rahelio, June 18, 2014 at 10:44am I thought i would repost this article and make it a Note so it can be more easilly accessed as it’s implications are reverberating through this Mercury retrograde period. It’s full moon tonight (June 12th) and this one is called a Honey Moon because of its color. This one is also a super moon which means the moon is making a perigee or close approach to the earth, and therefore its appearance is larger when rising or setting, and its influence has a stronger affect on the oceans tides. It can also create extreme weather conditions and have a strong affect on the emotional reactions of people and circumstances over the next few weeks. On June 7th Mercury turned retrograde at 3 degrees of the sign Cancer while making a hard aspect to the planet Saturn in Scorpio. Saturn is a somber influence so creates a serious turn of mind. Decisions have or will be made to put things in proper order. This can bring up difficult realizations regarding what needs to be let go of or be redefined to support the needs of the moment. coque iphone Mercury will remain in retrograde motion until the 1st of July. Mercury in Cancer relates to personal / emotional needs, and issues linked to one’s home, family and security come to the forefront. For some this can be just the need to rearrange furniture or take care of necessary maintenance around the house and yard and tying up loose ends for whatever needs to come to completion. Since Mercury rules Gemini communication issues will require thoughtful reconsiderations as misspoken words or thoughts can create unnecessary complications, misunderstandings or separations. It is important to be clear with what decisions are being made at this time as unforeseen circumstances may require a change in plans. This is not a good time to make legal commitments, sign contracts or start a new business as positive momentum will be lacking. coque iphone 2019 pas cher It is a good time to lay the ground work and catch up with things you have been meaning to do. So Neptune has also turned retrograde on the 9th of June giving an added emphasis to Mercury’s turn of direction. Neptune’s influence can relate to our dreams and inspiration, and can connect us to our faith in the spiritual. But it can also be seen in how we can become disillusioned when we have unreal expectations for things that are out of reach and based on wishful thinking. This can be a real issue for those who suffer from depression or are facing challenging circumstances. These retrograde influences can make us reconsider what our priorities are and get real with what are the facts defining our reality at this time. Especially since Venus, goddess of love, is in direct opposition to Saturn at this time. Quite often work priorities and responsibilities or dissatisfaction with how things have been going can take center stage as Venus love of pleasure has to find practical expression for her to be in harmony with her relations. coque iphone soldes This can be a time of separation for some or a need to redefine the rules of engagement to allow for harmony and love to flow. And with Mars involved in the past grand cross planetary pattern and recent eclipses its turning direct has been quite a trigger for change and challenges as the aggressive energy that comes with it has brought up hostilities and possibilities for war in to many places for me to mention. soldes coque iphone pas cher Mars also completed its square aspect with Pluto on June 14th which adds to the impact of this full moon and greater disruption for those living in places of hostility like whats happening in Iraq. The direct motion of Mars on May 20th also corresponded with the fire for us here in Sedona. On the 25th of June Mars will come into opposition to Uranus with this aspect being a trigger of the before mentioned grand cross and eclipse energies. This is also a very volatile combination as Uranus energy is like the lightning bolt, it brings awakening and excitement but can burn your house down or bring with it accidents and reckless behavior. Uranus as ruler of Aquarius is a revolutionary energy. vente de coque iphone It is a quickening energy for all that is new and brings forth the potential for enlightenment and liberation from limiting conditions. Its a good time to focus on inner peace and find harmonious creative outlets for this unpredictable and volatile energy. This time calls for us to be strong, and do what we need to do in order to be happy and live the life we choose. coque iphone 6 It’s just important to handle the energy of these Mars to Pluto and Uranus hard aspects with care so as to use this energy constructively to recreate and regenerate ourselves and our reality in a good way. So this is another reminder to follow your heart and put your life in order as the Sagittarius full moon invites us to expand our view on life and see the possibilities ahead of us if we first lay the groundwork to allow it to be made manifest. Sagitarrius as a fire sign brings creativity and a need for freedom of expression. It reminds us not to over-extend ourselves in impractical optimism but to intuit what is right for us and know what can lead to greater opportunities inspite of the retrograde Mercury. And the ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter also in the sign of Cancer, so focus on what supports your home, family and community; and issues around security. This is where support can come or where one needs to focused if you are feeling vulnerable or your home and family life is in upheaval. The influence of a full moon is usually about 2 weeks but with all that comes with this one the ongoing implications may be long lasting… May you ride this wave in beauty… and in harmony and balance with all your relations…