Akasha Restaurant

AKASHA fea­tures New American cui­sine offer­ing com­fort food with big fla­vors and sus­tain­able ingre­di­ents, for car­ni­vores and her­bi­vores alike. coqueiphone Chef/Caterer Akasha Richmond brings vision­ary cui­sine to her own neigh­bor­hood eatery located in the his­toric Hull Building in down­town Culver City. coque iphone x Keeping the prin­ci­ples of sus­tain­abil­ity in mind, the building’s orig­i­nal steel, wood, con­crete and brick arches were restored while the design mate­ri­als pair with a sev­en­ties moder­nity to exude an invit­ing and lively atmos­phere. coque iphone xr The Cafe has both sweet and savory selec­tions, as well as locally roasted Intelligentsia cof­fee. soldes coque iphone The 20-seat bar high­lights fresh juice cock­tails, organic and pre­mium spir­its, beer and wine. soldes coque iphone The entire menu is avail­able for cater­ing or to go. coque iphone en ligne Akasha Richmond, renowned chef and pop­u­lar author, has enjoyed great suc­cess at her epony­mous restau­rant, AKASHA, since its open­ing in February 2008. coque iphone xr Akasha knows her rep­u­ta­tion is hard-earned, and she takes that trust very seri­ously.